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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

X-Axis data label overlapping issue in Bubble Chart

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Ajay,

Could you please send us the XML codes and also the screen-shot of the issue?

Awaiting your reply. :hehe:

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Ajay,

We appologize for the incovinience caused.

We are in the process of testing your XML codes in our Lab.

Please bear with us and we will definitely get back to you as soon as possible.

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Ajay,

Thanks for your reply. :)

I am afraid, as some of the DataPlots that you are using has a very small value difference and the DataLabels that you are using are long so it is not possible to avoid the overlapping of the DataLabels.

However, as a work-around, could you please try the following:-

1) using showName='0' attribute in the <chart> element.

2) then using showName='1' in the <set> element for the DataPlot that does not have the small value difference.

Please take a look into the sample that we are sending you as an attachment.

Hope this helps. :)

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But I Will not able to do this as my xml is getting generated dynamically and there is not way through which I decide that when to put shownames='1' as I don't know what kind of resultset I will get.




Anyways Thanks a lot







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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Ajay,

You are welcome. :)

In that case, could you please try using a shorter DataLabels?

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Guest Madhumita

Hello Gangadhar,

The legend functionality is available when you are using multi-series charts.


Thus when you are specifying the seriesName in the <dataset> element you can specify it as 1, 2 ,3, etc.

e.g. If you set <dataset seriesName='1' color='ff0000' >




<dataset seriesName='2' ......>



The legend will show the values 1 and 2 against the corresponding colors.


I hope this helps you. Looking forward to your reply.

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