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Chart Messages

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Guest Madhumita





You have employed the correct method in your code for changing the chart messages.




return FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/Column3D.swf?PBarLoadingText=Loading......"




This is exactly how one should do it.




Did you test if this is working?




Looking forward to your reply.

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yeah its working perfectly but the data is huge so its taking so much time for loading...therefore wanted to show users a message that its loading....can you please suggest where to put my code to achieve this..please help. thanks

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Guest Madhumita





You have put the code in the right place.




Is the Loading... message not showing?

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yeah its not showing the loading i want to show message while its loading the data "Loading data please wait..." ...and when its in the processing of render the chart it should say "Rendering chart please wait...."...stuff like that..

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Guest Madhumita





You can change the chart messages that have been provided in the link I referred to.




Now, for example, if you want to customize 'Loading Chart. Please Wait' and 'Retrieving Data. Please Wait' messages you need to paas the corresponding attributes with the corresponding string as a query string with the chart SWF path.




e.g. return FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/Column3D.swf?PBarLoadingText=Loading......&XMLLoadingText=Loading the XML"....);




Now, if you are testing with a small amount of data, you will not be able to see these texts as they will only be present for a millisecond or even less. You test with a large amount of data and see if this is working or not.




Awaiting your reply. :D

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Even I provided the configuration attributes(PBarLoadingText ,XMLLoadingText) in querystring its not showing up.but If I customize chart message for "InvalidXML" its showing up.

Is there something I am doing wrong can you please suggest me what to do.Is there any other attribute in fusioncharts to set this properties on.


Thank You

Nikhil Bhomi

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