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Cannot identify graph

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In the charts gallery there are two simple 2D column charts - one with plane 2D columns and the other one also 2D but the columns look somewhat 3D like.




I cannot figure out how to give my 2D charts that 3D like effect.




Any suggestions?





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Guest Rajroop


I have to admit I was a bit confused reading your post here! But then it came to me.

Could you please use useRoundEdges='1' in your <chart> element for this and see if the 2D chart gives off a 3D feel?

I hope this helps. Please share your feedback with us on this Forum! :D

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Could you please send us the XML codes that you are using as an attachment?

Awaiting your reply. :hehe:

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I am embedding the chart using JavaScript and one thing I noted is that inserts an "embed" tag, but doesn't close it.

Here is the complete graph XML.




flashvars="debugMode=0&chartWidth=300&chartHeight=240&DOMId=myChart&registerWithJS=0&scaleMode=noScale〈=EN&dataXML=<chart useRoundEdges='3' showBorder='0' decimalPrecision='0' caption='Total Sent' showValues='0' bgColor='FFFFFF,FFFFFF'><set label='Label 1' value='4851' showName='0' /><set label='Label 2' value='5000' showName='0' /><set label='Label 3' value='12000' showName='0' /></chart>" 



Is it possible that I am supposed to use "Bevel" style on the graph to give it the look I mentioned in the first post?

I looked over the documentation for bevel and it says I am supposed to define style using XML, but I don't know where I should do that? In the XML I pass to the graph? On my page?

Edited by Guest

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so supposedly my adding the following to my chart was supposed to give the exact look I wanted (glass fill and rounded edges):






but it didn't work - I do get the graphs, but only plain 2D column, no glass fill and no rounded endges

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Guest Madhumita


Could you please attach the images as well as the XMLs?

In the XML you pasted, you have set useRoundEdges='3'. Could you please consider setting it to 1.

We set it to 1 in your XML, and it is working fine. Please refer to attached screen-shot.

Also, please confirm which version of FusionCharts you are using.

You can use the debug window to get the version number.

ref. -

Awaiting your reply eagerly.


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1. I did initially use useRoundEdges="1", decided to try 3 to see if it has any effect. Now reverted back.


2. I am using version 3.0.1


3. Attaching image


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I downloaded the newest code and dropped the column2d flash file into my application's "Charts" directory, but is it enough? - do I have to copy other parts of the package, like images, javascript or something else into my application?

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It looks like the problem is with browsers on my machine - other people connecting remotely to my serveer are getting the look and feel I want. This odd considering I downloaded and istalled the latest flash player last week.

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the issue was resolved.


Rookie mistakes. I had to obtain a download of licensed 3.1 charts - mine were 3.0.


After getting that from sales support, and clearing my browser cache everything worked as it should have.

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