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Issue in Gantt chart task bar date display

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I'm using Gantt chart in our application to display the Tasks progress and their cost estimate.


The chart works fine when when my client locale settings are mapped to English (United states). But If I change the locale setting to any other setting (e.g. German(Germany)) then the task bars are not displaying correctly. The task bar is being displayed as a horizontal bar all through the chart irrespective of the task progress.


The dates are inputted to gantt chart based on the client locale settings.


Everything apart from the task bar is working perfect with the chart. I've been breaking my head down to correct this but no luck. Can someone please help me in fixing this.




Thanks in advance

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Guest Rajroop

Hi Narendra,

Could you please share a pictoral representation of this issue at hand? Namely, one image of the chart with no problems and another with the issue.

You could always mail us at [email protected] and share the error-free/erroneous code that you are using for this.

Looking forward to your reply. :alien:

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