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Guest Madhumita

Passing Array in Data URL

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This seems like a simple task. I want to pass an array to the page that generates the graph, like so:




$array = serialize($options);

$strDataURL = encodeDataURL("searchgraph.php?player=0&club=$clubid&team=$team[b]&data=$array[/b]");




I can unserialse the array at the other end with no problems - the page is generating valid XML for the chart and yet the graph will not display with the following error:


ERROR: An error occurred while loading data. Please check your dataURL, by clicking on the "dataURL invoked" link above, to see if it's returing valid XML data. Common causes for error are:


No URL Encoding provided for querystrings in dataURL. If your dataURL contains querystrings as parameters, you'll need to URL Encode the same. e.g., Data.asp?id=101&subId=242 should be Data%2Easp%3Fid%3D101%26subId%3D242


Different sub-domain of chart .swf and dataURL. Both need to be same owing to sandbox security.


Network error




Clicking on the link displays totally valid chart XML. I've also tried urlencoding the serialised array with no luck.




I've had this before with a single array and ended up parsing the array into a comma separated string and passing that way but I don't want to do this now.




Any idea of what I'm doing wrong ?









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Guest Madhumita


Could you please send us a live link of the URL and also send us the XML you are building in the $strDataURL as an XML file attachment?

Apologies for the inconvenience. Awaiting your reply.

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