
Hide caption of the chart

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I have following situation. I do not want to display chart's caption, as this one is already covered by div sorrounding the chart. I want, however, to have the caption attribute for the chart set, i.e.




I want this, because I use exporter and would like to have friendly name for that chart, and not chart0, chart1 etc.


But unfortunately, I can't see a straight way to do that easily in xml.




In order to work around, I used font size = 0 (though it doesnt solve the problem, as it is still, barely, but visibile). I set the color to be the same as the background and finally played a little bit with margins.




Is there a better/easier way to do it?







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Guest Madhumita


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum. :)

If you want to save the expoted chart image in a specific name of your choice, you can use the exportFileName attribute in the chart element.

Using this attribute you can specify the name (excluding the extension) of the output (export) file.

Thus you will not need to use caption in that case.

I hope this helps you.

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Hi, thx for the reply. And sorry for not getting back earlier.




I noticed that parameter, and actually set it, but it didn't help.I set up the whole XML programmatically, below is the code I use:




xDoc.Element("chart").Add( _

                               New XAttribute("xAxisName", "axis name"), _

                               New XAttribute("showValues", "0"), _

                               New XAttribute("exportEnabled", "1"), _

                               New XAttribute("exportAtClient", "1"), _

                               New XAttribute("exportHandler", "fcBatchExporter"), _

                               [b]New XAttribute("exportFileName", _chartName), _[/b]

                               New XAttribute("bgColor", "FFFFFF"), _

                               New XAttribute("showBorder", "0"), _

                               New XAttribute("showPlotBorder", "1"), _

                               [b]New XAttribute("caption", chartCaption), _[/b]

                               New XAttribute("chartTopMargin", "0"), _

                               New XAttribute("canvasTopMargin", "0"), _

                               New XAttribute("SformatNumberScale", "1"))




I probably wasn't detailed enough last post - but you can see now that I use batch exporter (as per documentation).




chartCaption etc are variables, that are defined for sure.




And still it didn't work :)

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Hi, again - sorry for late response, but I remember about this post :)




I attached generated XML.


the _chartName is set in constructor, as following:




Dim _chartName As String

Public Sub New()

 _chartName = "GeneralChart"





and it is used later on to set exportFileName parameter (so I guess it should be proper name).






One more thing that comes to mind. I use it with Telerik's RadWindow Control.


i.e. I have 4 charts on the page. When I click export all, rad window is opened and batch


exporter is rendered inside that window. RadWindow serves as a controls container rather


than display separate url.


Edited by Guest

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