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Need to Create a more dynamic StackBar2D graph

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I am trying to create a graph similar to the goal.png graph,




This gives me the current.png graph,




$strParam="caption=Active Projects;rotateValues=1;xAxisName=Project;PYAxisName=Revenue;SYAXisName=name;numberSuffix=%;sNumberSuffix=%25;SYAxisMinValue=0;SYAxisMaxValue=100;showValues=0;useroundedges=1;showSum=1;use3DLighting=1";










do {


$pname = $row_projectList['project_name'];


$urlpname = urlencode($row_projectList['project_name']);


$pc = $row_projectList['percentage_complete']*100;


$tdate = $row_projectList['ifs_target_date'];




switch ($pc) {


case ($pc < 10):


$color = "color=FF0000";




case ($pc > 60):


$color = "color=00FF33";






$color = "color=FFFF00";








# Add Multi-series Dataset




# Add Multi-series dataset with in dataset






$FC->addMSStSubDataset("".$urlpname."", "");


# Add set data for plotting the chart


$FC->addChartData("".$pc."", "".$color."");




} while ($row_projectList = mysql_fetch_assoc($projectList));




What I really need is for the tdate to be the yaxis while still showing the percentage.



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Guest Madhumita





This is not natively possible as of now.




However, you can use the displayValue attribute in the <set> elements to show the date as well as the percentage value.


e.g. <set label="1-2-09" displayValue="1-2-09 100%".

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