
Export to jpeg not function well.

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Dear administrator:




thanks for powerful chart. It was helping a lot to us.






but i having some problems with exporting the chart to jpeg.




Here my xml:




chart caption='Issuing Statistics' yAxisMaxValue= '100' showFCMenuItem='0' numberSuffix='%' formatNumberScale='2' yAxisMinValue= '-5'  formatNumber='1' decimalPrecision='1' showNames='1' showValues='1' rotateNames='0' showColumnShadow='1' animation='1' showAlternateHGridColor='1' AlternateHGridColor='BBE2FF' divLineColor='BBE3FF' divLineAlpha='20' alternateHGridAlpha='5' outCnvBaseFontSze='18' outCnvBaseFont='arial' baseFontColor='000000' baseFontSize='12' outCnvBaseFontColor='000000' canvasBorderThickness='0' canvasBgAlpha='5' canvasBorderColor='000000'  chartRightMargin='30'  yaxisname='Percentage' xaxisname='Month/Year' bgcolor = 'BBE2FF, BBE3FF' exportDialogColor='e1f5ff' exportDialogBorderColor='0372ab' exportDialogFontColor='0372ab' exportDialogPBColor='0372ab' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='ExportHandlers/PHP/FCExporter.php' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='download' exportFileName='Issuing Statistics - 365 Days Calendar (PS Date + Shipped Date)'  exportFormats='JPEG=Save the Chart'>





the xml if workable, display nice chart......all function for the chart workable except for exporting the chart.








when i try export, it workable, but it return me with a bmp file instead of jpeg file i specify in the "exportFormarts".






any one know where the problems is?




thanks a lot.





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Guest Madhumita





Could you please attach your XML and HTML codes so that we can test on it?




Also, please specify which version of FusionCharts you are using.




Awaiting your reply.

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HI Mad.




sorry for late replay....i was using the the test package.....




some time it was able to return with jpg/gif..but some time not (returm bmp)...




would it be the server problems.




i have attached the package.









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it was successful capture the chart but return as BMP file instead of jpg which i specify at xml file.




can you help to figure which part i am doing wrong?







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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Chusoon,

Thanks for your reply.

FusionCharts supports exporting of the chart to JPG/PNG/PDF format.

As you have stated that, at times your chart is getting exported as BMP format inspite of specifying the "exportFormats" attribute as "JPG", could you please send us the sample file where your chart is getting exported as BMP format?

Awaiting your reply so that we might test the sample in our lab.

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Can you please make sure that you are using a Server running PHP to which you are exporting the chart?

It seems that there is some problem with the export handler file, as it was supposed to show as per the attached images:



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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Can you please make sure that you are using a Server running PHP to which you are exporting the chart?

It seems that there is some problem with the export handler file, as it was supposed to show as per the attached images:

Please note the file extension and type: .jpg and not _php, JPEG Image and not HTML Document.



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hi Basundhara Ghosal:




yes........it was happen only first time. it return a bmp file type......




after i try to save a again. it was return as your print screens.......




i was using IE 8, RHEL3, PHP4 with GD configured......any clued may cause this problems?




and i do not know why it return file extension _php, and HTML Document. but if i open it, it will show bmp file but i not able direct save it











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