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Multiple series / dynamically show series

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I recently installed FCv3 trial and I got it up and running in minutes. I love it since most other charting solutions for CF are java based and more complicated. I want to do some thing that are not possible using the built-in CF cfchart tag:




Display a chart containing multiple series.


A serie may have data in the range 0-1 while another serie may have data in the range 20.000-22.000. How can I show these 2 series in the same graph while


each serie is visible


each series is having it's own value axis?


If I use 1 value axis either the series with values between 0-1 is invisible or vice versa.




Multiple series.


If I have a chart showing multiple series is it possible to hide/show individual series in the graph e.g by using checkboxes below the chart to toggle display? I want my users to be able to toggle the display of individual series, preferably without another trip to the server to retrieve data.




Are these things possible with FusionChart or Powerchart??











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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Marc,

The multi-axis line chart from PowerCharts suite is an interactive line chart that allows for the following features:

  • Multiple axis on the same chart.
  • Interactive axis, that allow the end user to show/hide data-sets (lines) plotting against that axis.
  • Options to make the axis visible or imaginary.
  • Option to draw the axis on left or right side of chart.
  • Interactive options like dynamic sliding of axis from one end to other, upon clicking.
  • Ability to plot multiple data-sets against the same axis.
  • Axis specific properties like:
    • Upper and lower limits
    • Cosmetic Properties of axis
    • Divisional Lines
    • Cosmetic properties of datasets plotting against the particular axis
    • Number Formatting

Could you please try using the Multi-Axis Line Charts of PowerCharts pack for the same?

Please refer to the links below for the detailed information on Multi-Axis Line Charts:-


Hope this helps. :)

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