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vertical scroll in gantt chart

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When the number of processes increase it starts truncating as do not fit into the height.

For width we can have scrolling.what about the height of the chart?Can we have a vertical scroll bar to navigate vertically in a chart so that when number of processes increase we have a scroll bar rather than chart reduces the height of the cell assigned to a process to fit all the processes in visible area.

Thanks for the help.

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Guest Madhumita

Hello Amrita,

I'm afraid, as of now, only horizontal scrolling can be enabled in the Gantt chart.

Thanks a lot for your suggestion. We have made a note of the same.

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Hi Madhumita,

Is there any other way so that process names do not get truncated when processes increase?

I have a scenario in which processes can increase from 10 to 50 or even more.what is the best possible way you suggest in this scenario so that names do not get truncated?



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Guest Madhumita


I'm afraid, as of now, we do not have a workaround for this issue. :D

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