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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Applying chart takes ages.

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I'm working on a new application, and for ease, have copied code from another Fusion based app I wrote so to my mind, it should work with very little need for changes.

This is the Xml that is generated by my application, and I am using the MSLine.swf file to generate the chart - can anyone confirm the Xml I have generated for the chart is OK?

<chart animation='1' bgAlpha='0,0' showBorder='0' useRoundEdges='1' setAdaptiveYMin='1' numberScaleValue='1000000,1000' numberScaleUnit='M,B' caption='XYZ Scheme' xAxisName='X Axis' yAxisName='Y Axis' showValues='1' labelDisplay='Wrap'>
<category label='01/03/2005'/>
<category label='01/09/2005'/>
<category label='01/03/2006'/>
<category label='01/09/2006'/>
<category label='01/03/2007'/>
<category label='01/09/2007'/>
<category label='01/03/2008'/>
<category label='01/09/2008'/>
<dataset seriesName='Test Series 1' alpha='100' includeInLegend='1' color='5074D1' showValues='0' >
<set value='1' tooltext='Test Series 1, 1' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,0' />
<set value='5.7' tooltext='Test Series 1, 5.7' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,1' />
<set value='8.6' tooltext='Test Series 1, 8.6' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,2' />
<set value='10.4' tooltext='Test Series 1, 10.4' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,3' />
<set value='12' tooltext='Test Series 1, 12' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,4' />
<set value='21.1' tooltext='Test Series 1, 21.1' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,5' />
<set value='24.9' tooltext='Test Series 1, 24.9' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,6' />
<set value='30.6' tooltext='Test Series 1, 30.6' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,7' />
<dataset seriesName='Test Series 2' alpha='100' includeInLegend='1' color='840006' showValues='0' >
<set value='2.1' tooltext='Test Series 2, 2.1' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,0' />
<set value='4.2' tooltext='Test Series 2, 4.2' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,1' />
<set value='7.9' tooltext='Test Series 2, 7.9' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,2' />
<set value='11.6' tooltext='Test Series 2, 11.6' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,3' />
<set value='14.4' tooltext='Test Series 2, 14.4' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,4' />
<set value='19.8' tooltext='Test Series 2, 19.8' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,5' />
<set value='22.7' tooltext='Test Series 2, 22.7' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,6' />
<set value='28.6' tooltext='Test Series 2, 28.6' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,7' />
<style name='myCaptionFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='16' color='000000' />
<style name='myXAxisTitlesFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='13' color='000000' bold='0' />
<style name='myYAxisTitlesFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='13' color='000000' bold='0' />
<style name='myYAxisValuesFont' type='font' font='Arial' color='000000' bold='0' />
<style name='myDataLabelsFont' type='font' font='Arial' color='000000' bold='0' />
<style name='myDataValuesFont' type='font' font='Arial' color='000000' bold='0' />
<style name='myToolTipFont' type='font' font='Arial' color='000000' bold='0' />
<apply toObject='CAPTION' styles='myCaptionFont' />
<apply toObject='XAXISNAME' styles='myXAxisTitlesFont' />
<apply toObject='YAXISNAME' styles='myYAxisTitlesFont' />
<apply toObject='YAXISVALUES' styles='myYAxisValuesFont' />
<apply toObject='DATALABELS' styles='myDataLabelsFont' />
<apply toObject='DATAVALUES' styles='myDataValuesFont' />
<apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='myToolTipFont' />

What is happening is the code to generate the xml works, and using the dataXml approach, applies it to the page - at this point the progress bar for the page starts to slowly increment, but after 15 minutes is still nowhere near half way.  As far as I can tell, no other code behind is being processed.

The data is only designed to show a basic chart, and will be replaced with real data at a later date - it is just in the early stages of application development, so there is lots of work to do, but I need to get a basic chart showing on the page, and hoped this would be easy...sadly it appears not in this instance!

The application is a .NET3.5, and at the moment there is nothing else on the page except the chartcontainer (I use a panel for this).

I'm working in VS 2008 Team System, under win XP Pro (SP3) and IE7 as my browser.

Can anyone shed any light oon why this chart does not render as I'd expect?



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Hello Martin,

I just checked out your xml locally. Looks good to me. Loads in a jiffy. :)

Here is the screen-shot:


This confirms that the loading problem is not cause by the xml. The problem must be elsewhere.

Could you please turn on the debugMode and tell the version of chart swf file that you are using?

Srividya :)

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I  for using a MSColumn2D for the screen-shot ( was carried away by useRoundEdges='1' attribute in the xml ).

It works with MSLine also.

The only thing wrong with the xml is


It should actually be link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-0'

( removed the comma)

But that doesn't affect the chart, only the drill-down would not work.


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OK, thanks - it was a line I was trying to plot, does that make a difference?

Is that debug mode on the application or within Fusion?

The version of FusionCharts.dll being used is



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OK, thanks.

This is the entire code that gets rendered for the page:

<div id="chartContainer" style="height:340px;width:600px;">
<div id='FusionChart1_ChartDiv' ><!-- START Code Block for Chart FusionChart1_Chart -->
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="600" height="340" name="FusionChart1_Chart" id="FusionChart1_Chart" >
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
<param name="movie" value="../../FusionCharts/MSLine.swf"/>
<param name="FlashVars" value="&chartWidth=600&chartHeight=340&debugMode=0&registerWithJS=1&DOMId=FusionChart1_Chart&dataXML=<chart animation='1' bgAlpha='0,0' showBorder='0' useRoundEdges='1' setAdaptiveYMin='1' numberScaleValue='1000000,1000' numberScaleUnit='M,B' caption='XYZ Scheme' xAxisName='X Axis' yAxisName='Y Axis' showValues='1' labelDisplay='Wrap'><categories><category label='01/03/2005'/><category label='01/09/2005'/><category label='01/03/2006'/><category label='01/09/2006'/><category label='01/03/2007'/><category label='01/09/2007'/><category label='01/03/2008'/><category label='01/09/2008'/></categories><dataset seriesName='Test Series 1' alpha='100' includeInLegend='1' color='5074D1' showValues='0' ><set value='1' tooltext='Test Series 1, 1' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,0' /><set value='5.7' tooltext='Test Series 1, 5.7' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,1' /><set value='8.6' tooltext='Test Series 1, 8.6' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,2' /><set value='10.4' tooltext='Test Series 1, 10.4' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,3' /><set value='12' tooltext='Test Series 1, 12' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,4' /><set value='21.1' tooltext='Test Series 1, 21.1' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,5' /><set value='24.9' tooltext='Test Series 1, 24.9' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,6' /><set value='30.6' tooltext='Test Series 1, 30.6' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,7' /></dataset><dataset seriesName='Test Series 2' alpha='100' includeInLegend='1' color='840006' showValues='0' ><set value='2.1' tooltext='Test Series 2, 2.1' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,0' /><set value='4.2' tooltext='Test Series 2, 4.2' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,1' /><set value='7.9' tooltext='Test Series 2, 7.9' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,2' /><set value='11.6' tooltext='Test Series 2, 11.6' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,3' /><set value='14.4' tooltext='Test Series 2, 14.4' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,4' /><set value='19.8' tooltext='Test Series 2, 19.8' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,5' /><set value='22.7' tooltext='Test Series 2, 22.7' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,6' /><set value='28.6' tooltext='Test Series 2, 28.6' link='j-FusionAJAX_NewChart-,7' /></dataset><styles><definition><style name='myCaptionFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='16' color='000000' /><style name='myXAxisTitlesFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='13' color='000000' bold='0' /><style name='myYAxisTitlesFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='13' color='000000' bold='0' /><style name='myYAxisValuesFont' type='font' font='Arial' color='000000' bold='0' /><style name='myDataLabelsFont' type='font' font='Arial' color='000000' bold='0' /><style name='myDataValuesFont' type='font' font='Arial' color='000000' bold='0' /><style name='myToolTipFont' type='font' font='Arial' color='000000' bold='0' /></definition><application><apply toObject='CAPTION' styles='myCaptionFont' /><apply toObject='XAXISNAME' styles='myXAxisTitlesFont' /><apply toObject='YAXISNAME' styles='myYAxisTitlesFont' /><apply toObject='YAXISVALUES' styles='myYAxisValuesFont' /><apply toObject='DATALABELS' styles='myDataLabelsFont' /><apply toObject='DATAVALUES' styles='myDataValuesFont' /><apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='myToolTipFont' /></application></styles></chart>&scaleMode=noScale〈=EN" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<!-- END Code Block for Chart FusionChart1_Chart -->

It all looks OK to me, so am really confused why it doesn't work.



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OK, I've found the problem - it's to do with the location of the swf file.

Frustrating, but it's sorted.

Thanks for your help.


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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Glad that your issue is resolved.

Happy FusionCharting. :)

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