
Setting Individual Slice Depths in 3D Pie Chart?

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Hello all - It looks like FusionCharts is a great solution, but before I commit to using the platform I have to be sure that I can control the slice depth (or height actually) for individual pie slices in the 3D Pie Chart. It is one of the main requirements of the project.




Is this possible, and if so, how do you set that parameter?




I saw the pieSliceDepth setting, but in the documentation that seems to be just one parameter for the entire pie, rather than individual slices.




Thanks for any advice on this!

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Welcome to FusionCharts forum. :)

I am afraid, the attribute "pieSliceDepth " is not applicable to <set> element. It will get effected on the whole chart rather than each slices. 

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Thanks for the quick reply.


Unfortunately that means I can't use FusionCharts for this project.




Does anyone have a suggestion for an alternative that allows control of individual pie slice height?




Thanks in advance...

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Could you please specify us the requirement so that we might try an work-around for the same?

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Yes, its quite simple in concept actually.


In v3, in your Pie 3D Chart you have an attribute named pieSliceDepth which controls the vertical dimension of the pie, specified in pixels.


Instead of controlling the entire pie and all its slices with one setting, I need to set different vertical dimensions for each individual pie slice.


I assume this would happen in the < set > elements which sets attributes for the individual slices. For example, you can set color, link, tooltip, and other values for each individual slice.

Edited by Guest

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