
[resolved] Can one move charts around the DOM in HTML-Table

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So I have been playing around with this for a couple of days now and I have been working with the debug adding features as I see fit. Obviously my implementation is probably not the best way for coding them, but I do wish to share them with you. Is this place to do such things? I very close to a full integration to jquery Grid and jquery for fusion charts. I am just working on the labels and extracting them from the div.










One thing I did add is an option to append so you could move the chart where you desired. I tried referencing my desired location in the intial select. see below.



   swfPath: "../Charts/",

   type: "MSColumn3D",

   data: "#myHTMLTable",

   dataFormat: "HTMLTable"//,






Here is my version



   swfPath: "../Charts/",

   type: "MSColumn3D",

   data: "#myHTMLTable",

   dataFormat: "HTMLTable",






Change convertToFusionCharts in jquery-fusion-charts and add the following if block




if(options.append!='')// added an append location if you want to move your chart





   // Append division before the table






Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your suggestion. Here is our observation of the codes you sent:




convertToFusionCharts function takes your data-source (HTML <table> element) as the selector and creates a chart just before it. It is not meant for moving the FusionCharts element. Furthermore, the convertToFusionCharts function DOES NOT accept "data" and "dataFormat" option parameters.




However, what you have done (or what you want to do) can be achieved by directly using insertFusionCharts or appendFusionCharts or prependFusionCharts function.




See example:





   swfPath: "../Charts/",

   type: "MSColumn3D",

   data: "#myHTMLTable",

   dataFormat: "HTMLTable"


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The reason i pass in data and dataFormat was because I was just editing the HTML chart example. Maybe you should consider updating the example next release? I also must have misread the docs it felt like the only method for HTML was the convert method.




Thanks for the help,






convertToFusionCharts function takes your data-source (HTML


Edited by Guest

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