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Print Page From Browser, Chart Issues

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There is a lot of posts, but nothing summed up.

I am creating a page with the following code:

//Instantiate the Chart var chart_groupSdsOtdOa = new FusionCharts("/Charts/Area2D.swf", "groupSdsOtdOa", "400", "75", "0", "0"); chart_groupSdsOtdOa.setTransparent("false");

//Provide entire XML data using dataXML method 

chart_groupchart1.setDataXML("<chart showBorder='0' animation=' 1' showValues='0' canvasBorderColor='666666' canvasBorderThickness='1' showLabels='0' showLimits='0' showDivLineValues='0' canvasBgColor='FFFFFF' showToolTip='1' bgColor='FFFFFF' plotFillColor='6699cc'  yAxisMinValue='0' yAxisMaxValue='120' chartLeftMargin='2' chartRightMargin='2' chartTopMargin='2' chartBottomMargin='2'><trendLines><line startValue='95' color='FF0000' displayValue=''/></trendLines><set label='Mar' value='22.22' /><set label='Apr' value='18.64' /><set label='May' value='29.31' /><set label='Jun' value='27.42' /><set label='Jul' value='25' /><set label='Aug' value='15.52' /><set label='Sep' value='42.86' /><set label='Oct' value='44.12' /><set label='Nov' value='31.25' /><set label='Dec' value='41.27' /><set label='Jan' value='31.43' /><set label='Feb' value='40.63' /></chart>") 

//Finally, render the chart. 



I have a Javascript function to call 'window.print()'

In IE 8, I am able to print to PDF and the Printer; all charts displaying, However with Safari 4 on Windows 7, no charts are displaying and on Mac OSX only the charts that are currently visible on the screen will print. Those charts off screen do not print.

Is this a browser issue?

Is this a Flash issue?

How do I go about getting to Safari, Chrome, IE to all print roughly the same?

Edited by Guest

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Well from my testing, it looks like by design, Safari and Firefox will not print Flash objects.

My goal is to get the FC 3.1 so I can convert the flash to images and display those for page printing.

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