rleinen Report post Posted April 16, 2010 I run the basic demo code, with a few additions that I commented out. But it will not show the chart at all. Nothing I do changes anything. Here is the code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Rajroop Report post Posted April 19, 2010 Hey there, Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum. Could you please verify the following points for this issue? > Your XML data doesn't contain any data that could be plotted by FusionCharts. In this case, your XML just contains the or tags without any data between them. > You might be using a single-series chart SWF and providing data in multi-series format or vice-versa. In this case too, you'll get "No data to display" message. > In some Dual Y Combination charts, you need to provide atleast one data-set for both the axis. Otherwise, you'll get a "No data to display" message. I hope this helps. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Basundhara Ghosal Report post Posted June 9, 2010 Hi, FusionMaps for Flex is now out of Beta. We are happy to release FusionMaps for Flex v1.0 - animated, interactive and dynamic maps for your Adobe Flex Solutions. FusionMaps for Flex boasts of the following: * Provides over 314 maps including all continents, countries, US states, and states/counties of a lot of other countries. * Supports dynamic-resizing. * API for Drill-down, mouse interactivity, export etc. * Custom Markers, shapes, connector lines. * Works with Flex Builder 2, Flex Builder 3 and Flash Builder 4 (Flex SDK 2/3/4). * Simple copy-paste style installation. * Lots of code samples and extensive documentation. You may download the beta from www.fusioncharts.com/flex/download. You may see the online demos at : www.fusioncharts.com/flex/demos/us-election/index.html or www.fusioncharts.com/flex/demos/us-employment-distribution/index.html. You may see all the map using our interactive Map Explorer. To read more on how to use FusionMaps for Flex, you may also visit the Online Documentation at www.fusioncharts.com/flex/docs/maps. Your feedback is VERY important to us and we would love to hear any suggestions, complaints, modifications, feature requests, compliments etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites