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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

trendLine in scrollline2d graph

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I was trying to get a dashed affect to my treand line however my treand line still appears as one complete Line .M i doing sumthing wrong



chart caption="" scrollPadding='5' showLegend='0' connectNullData='1' showBorder="0" canvasBorderColor="ADAAAD" canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderAlpha='40' bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='0' animation='0' numdivlines="4" chartLeftMargin='10' chartRightMargin='15' seriesNameInToolTip='0' yAxisNamePadding='10' showLimits='0' yAxisMinValue ='5' yAxisMaxValue ='25' numberSuffix="<br>lbs" divLineIsDashed='1' divLineDashLen='1' divLineDashGap='2' vDivLineIsDashed='1' vDivLineDashLen='2' vDivLineDashGap='2' showValues="0" numVDivLines="24" numVisiblePlot='5' >


trendlines >

<line startValue='118' valueOnRight='1' displayValue="." color='91C728' dashed='1' dashLen='1' dashGap='1' showOnTop='0' thickness='3' />



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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Welcome to FusionCharts forum. :)

As you are using a very smal  value for the "dashedGap" attribute of the <trendline> element, the trendline is getting displayed as a single continuous line.

Please refer to the XML codes below which is displaying the trendline as dashed line and not a continuous line.


<trendlines >

<line startValue='118' valueOnRight='1' displayValue="." color='91C728' dashed='1' dashLen='1' dashGap='3' showOnTop='0' thickness='3' />


Hope this helps. :)

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Thanks it woked:) .

i have two other queries

1>Is it possible to generate chart for large number of data(someting in ten thousands)all at once without any XMl issue?

2>I was trying to render <font> tag using isHTML='1' attribute to style. But its not working .I m trying to get Y axis labels in two lines and with two difreent font size. Can you suggest a way to achieve the same?



chart yAxisName="" showShadow="0" divLineAlpha="11" showLimits='0' showAlternateHGridColor="0" plotSpacePercent='60' scrollPadding='5' numVisiblePlot='4' numVDivLines='24' divLineIsDashed='0' caption="" vDivLineIsDashed='0' numberSuffix='<br> <font size="8 " > Cal < /font > ' useRoundEdges="0" canvasBorderColor='000000' plotGradientColor='' canvasBorderThickness='2' canvasBorderAlpha='30' showLegend='0' bgColor="FFFFFF" showValues='0' showPlotBorder='0' showBorder="0">




<style name='myValuesFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='12' color='666666' bold='1' isHTML='1' />

<style name='tooltextFont' type='font' font='Arial' size='12' color='1677c8' bold='1' isHTML='1' />



<apply toObject='YAXISVALUES' styles='myValuesFont' />

<apply toObject='DataLabels' styles='myValuesFont' />

<apply toObject='TOOLTIP' styles='myValuesFont' />



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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Glad that it worked.

1>Is it possible to generate chart for large number of data(someting in ten thousands)all at once without any XMl issue?

I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support such huge data size. :)

2>I was trying to render <font> tag using isHTML='1' attribute to style. But its not working .I m trying to get Y axis labels in two lines and with two difreent font size. Can you suggest a way to achieve the same?

Please try using as aline-break.

I am afraid, the 'Styles' gets applied to an object globally, hence will not support two different font sizes for the same object.

Hope this helps. :)

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:) thnaks a ton...!!

n now have yet another doubt .please have a look at the attched graph and suggest a way to achieve the same...Or is it not achieveble at all. :crazy:...!!

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


You are welcome.

Glad that your issue is resolved.

I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support this natively.

As a work-around, could you please try using a set of four Vertical Bullet Charts together?

Hope this helps. :)

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