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Fusion Charts not working with Master Pages.

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Hello i am trying to work on Fusion Charts. When i worked on fusion charts on Normal aspx pages i can generate Fusion Chart. But when i am trying this on Master pages i am not getting Chart.




here is the code which i am trying.




LitRegionVendorwise.Text = GetProductSalesChartHtml();






public string GetProductSalesChartHtml()




//In this example, we plot a single series chart from data contained


//in an array. The array will have two columns - first one for data label


//and the next one for data values.




//Let's store the sales data for 6 products in our array). We also store


//the name of products.


object[,] arrData = new object[6, 2];


//Store Name of Products


arrData[0, 0] = "Product A";


arrData[1, 0] = "Product B";


arrData[2, 0] = "Product C";


arrData[3, 0] = "Product D";


arrData[4, 0] = "Product E";


arrData[5, 0] = "Product F";


//Store sales data


arrData[0, 1] = 567500;


arrData[1, 1] = 815300;


arrData[2, 1] = 556800;


arrData[3, 1] = 734500;


arrData[4, 1] = 676800;


arrData[5, 1] = 648500;




//Now, we need to convert this data into XML. We convert using string concatenation.


string xmlData;


//Initialize element


xmlData = "";


//Convert data to XML and append


for (int i = 0; i < arrData.GetLength(0); i++)




xmlData += "";




//Close element


xmlData += "";




//Create the chart - Column 3D Chart with data contained in xmlData


return FusionCharts.RenderChart("../../FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", "", xmlData, "productSales", "600", "300", false, false);








I have given reference to fusionCharts dll file.




here I have FusionCharts Folder in my application root folder. and all swf files i have in that.




i have tried changing the path in all ways




i tried in these ways...


return FusionCharts.RenderChart("FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", "", xmlData, "productSales", "600", "300", false, false);


return FusionCharts.RenderChart("<%= Page.ResolveUrl('~')%>FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", "", xmlData, "productSales", "600", "300", false, false);




return FusionCharts.RenderChart("../../FusionCharts/Column2D.swf", "", xmlData, "productSales", "600", "300", false, false);




i am getting just Text "Chart" on the literal control




seems that it is not rendering.


can somebody tell me where i am going wrong.




Thanks in advance.

Edited by Guest

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Guest Rajroop

Hey Shahid,




Could you please make sure that your path reference for FusionCharts.js is correct/using correct path to include FusionCharts.js into your page? Please also make sure that the paths are not absolute but relative.




I hope this helps. :) Looking forward to your feedback on this.

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