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Save Chart As with transparent backgrounds

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we are currently stuck at a potential dead end with the save image as function as we would like to allow our users to download the charts they just requested as jpg or png. Because of the website design the charts have a transparent background and it seems that the export function does not provide an alpha value. The result is that when the image is composed via Perl::GD you get a Chart without Anti Aliasing around the outer edges as pixels that were at 50% opacity are painted with full opacity. This leads to very ugly charts, esspecially concerning the outer texts.




Is there a way to make the export accordingly so the alpha information is provided with the rest of the datastream to allow a proper placement on a default background?




I fear that might be a gamebreaker. Is it instead possible to set a background image for the export only so the datastream is already with a proper background?





Edited by Guest

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Hello, a short yay or nay would be helpful or if alternative paths like dynamically adding a background to the flash movie via JS and then saving the image.





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