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Showing Limit values

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Can Any one tel me how to set the limit value...In my chart the x-axis unit is percentage...So the max value should be 100..I have tried using showLimits = '1' and yAxisMaxValue = '100' attributes...stil its not working ...The maximum value is showing as 110...M not able to paste the XML....I hav given by code in between those ifcodes..Stil not showing...So i wil attatch the code......


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Hi Nishi,

The error is occurring as the total value of the given data plot is exceeding the value 99.5x.

In the decimal approximation format, any data value more than 99.5x is equivalent to 100. As a result the chart is automatically setting yAxisMaxValue='110'.

In case you wish to show the same data plot, then please try setting the attribute yAxisMaxValue to '110' in the <chart> element.

Also, if you wish to set the yAxisMaxValue='100', then please try reducing the value of the <set> element for the data plot.

Please refer to the attachment of the rendered chart with a total data plot value set to less the 99.5x.

Hope this helps. :)


Edited by Guest

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Hai Sanjukta,


Thnx for the information..The information was very useful...I wil try to reduce the value so that it doesnt exceed 95.5x......






Thanks & Regards



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