
Trendline text color

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I'm using the MSCombi3D, and need to insert a trendline in the graph. However, no matter how I set, the trendline text is still black in color, which would overlapped with my background such that it can't be seen. I read from the documentation that setting the "color" attribute can set the color of the trend line and its associated text, but it only works for the trendline color for me. Could you teach me how to set the trendline text color?


The following is how I write that part:





Thank you very much!





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Guest Rajroop





I apologize for the inconvenience caused. You could try attaching the XML to your post, if you so wish. :)




As for your query, the 'color' attribute represents the Trend-line along with the Trendline text, together. Therein, if you wish to plot the text with a different color, you would have apply the same to the Trend-line as well.






I hope this helps.

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Thanks for your reply. I've written trendlines in your way, but it doesn't work for me. It only changes the line color, but the trendline text color is unchanged (still in black).


I'm using MSCombi3D, would it because this feature doesn't support MSCombi3D?


Here is how I write the trendline. (I change the bracket to [] in order to post here):



     [line startValue='100' color='FF0000' displayValue='Target' showOnTop='1' valueOnRight='1' /]


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Hi Angela,

As always your suggestions are very important to us.

We'll be implementing this feature in our next product upgrade.

Happy FusionCharting! :)

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