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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

loading XML file and changing data before it's visualized

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I have the following scenario: An external server app writes data to an XML file that my FusionCharts read and visualize, but I want to swap some data before they're visualized with some other I have pre-defined. Let's say I have a Line2DChart with the following data input on the XML file:


set label='Epson' value='8.6' color='339900' 

set label='Hitachi' value='9.3' color='339900' 

set label='Toshiba' value='2.7' color='339900' 

set label='Mitsui' value='4.3' color='339900' 

set label='Panasonic' value='4.6' color='339900' 

set label='Canon' value='7.8' color='339900' 

set label='Lexmark' value='4.3' color='339900' 




and I want the label value to swap content and show the following values on the final graph:


if it's "Epson" show "EPS994"


if it's "Hitachi" show "HIT330"


if it's "Toshiba" show "TOS924"


if it's "Mitsui" show "MIT552"


if it's "Panasonic" show "PAN882"


if it's "Canon" show "CAN113"


if it's "Lexmark" show "LEX710"




They will appear in a random order but only once in each graph. In essence, I need something that takes the XML label attribute and swaps it with an other value before sending it further on to the visualising engine. Is that possible? Thanks!

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Markus,

Glad that your issue is resolved.

Thanks for sharing your idea.

Happy FusionCharting. :)

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