
Three lines - recordsets- wrong

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Hpefully it is a simple case and you can help me

I have three recordsets:

first  has 12 values from January to December 

second: recordset has 5 values from August to December

third has values only for May and July.

All of them are in the same year.

I do a Multi Series Chart to have three diferent lines but at the chart these lines start from the same point which is January!!!!!

So the first records set has a line from January to December which is correct.

Second  line start from Janury to May which is totaly wrong

and third  line start from January to March which also wrong!

How does it come?!! How can I make this working? HELP

Is there any special Category option?

What Should I do to have the same data on the chart as in database?

Thanks in advance!

(PHP, Mysql)

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Hi there!

 Thanks for help.

However the problem is  that in case you showed me it has to be reported value "0" each month for each product which is really time consuming. I can not afford it.

Is there any other way?

and what about line chart instead of columns?

Does data have to be in XML?

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I am afraid, there are no possible ways to hide the dataplots in Multi Series Column2D/Bar2D charts except setting the required data values to '0'.

In case, you intend to use Multi Series Line2D charts, then please try setting the value of those <set> elements blank, which you do not wish to show.

Ref.- <set value='' />

Please check with the attached screen shot of the rendered Multi Series Line2D chart and its XML file for your reference.

Hope this helps. :)



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