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How to center annotations?

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I'm trying to center an Angular Gauge that has circle annotations that give it a bezeled look. I have found that I can center the gauge itself by setting gaugeOriginX="50%" and gaugeOriginY="50%". But, I cannot figure out how to center the annotations to move along with the gauge when the area is resized.




The only thing I can think to do is, on a resize event, determine the new width and height and modify the chart XML xPos and yPos attributes to center the annotations programmatically. [Yuck]

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal





Could you please send us the XML codes that you are using to render the chart?




Also, could you please send us the screen-shot depicting this issue, as an attachment?




Awaiting your reply.

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Here is my XML and a screenshot. The chart is displayed in a panel that can be resized. The gauge is always centered, but the annotation does not move. I tried using a '50%' for xPos and yPos for the annotation, but that didn't work.



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