
Category tool tips wont show

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I can't get category tool tips to show. Here's part of my code:




< chart caption='Area Sales' showValues='0' bgColor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0' numberPrefix='$' numVisiblePlot='6' scrollToEnd='1'  >

 < categories  >

   < category label='Jul 08' toolText='FY 2009.1'  />




I'm currently using a multi-series scrollable line chart. I've also non-scrollable multi-series line chart. I've tried inserting the chart param showTooltips=1. Nothing's worked.

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I just realized that the category is showing up in the anchor tags for each data point in that category. That's not what I was hoping for. I want the tool tip to show up when the mouse hovers over the category label. Is this possible?

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


I am afraid, as of now, FusionCharts does not support the display of the tooltip on datalabels.

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