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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

One-valued Pie smaller then others

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this is my first post so i hope i put it in the right section. This is my problem:






I generate by software an XML text which is feeded into a Pie chart, the user has to choose some options, software get's the data from the DB and parse it to the XML text. The problem is, when the pie is built with a single value (so it is a one-sliced pie) it is smaller then the pies generated with two or more slices.


I'm talking about the size of the Pie itself, not the area of the SWF object.




is this a known bug? the XML generated by the software is the same, i report two examples (i replaced start and close tag with { } else they wouldnt show):




XML + image of graph normal size.



{chart showNames="0" showValues="0" bgSWF="sfondi/sfondo_100.png" caption="" chartBottomMargin="20" chartTopMargin="-25" chartLeftMargin="-35" chartRightMargin="-35" numberPrefix="$" decimalPrecision="1" divlinedecimalPrecision="0" limitsdecimalPrecision="0" exportEnabled="1" exportAtClient="1" exportHandler="fcExporter1" pieBorderAlpha="75" pieBorderColor="505050"}


{set name="% Fatture scartate dal sistema PACI" value="1" color="35CA3A"/}


{set name="% Fatture recuperate sul sistema del credito entro il mese successivo all'emissione" value="1" color="35CA3A"/}











XML + image of graph small size (not normal).



{chart showNames="0" showValues="0" bgSWF="sfondi/sfondo_100.png" caption="" chartBottomMargin="20" chartTopMargin="-25" chartLeftMargin="-35" chartRightMargin="-35" numberPrefix="$" decimalPrecision="1" divlinedecimalPrecision="0" limitsdecimalPrecision="0" exportEnabled="1" exportAtClient="1" exportHandler="fcExporter1" pieBorderAlpha="75" pieBorderColor="505050"}


{set name="Fatture Ordinarie (2 del mese X+1)" value="1" color="35CA3A"/}











Hope someone can help.







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Guest Rajroop





Welcome to the FusionCharts Forum!




This being your first post, I hope my following first response to you caters to the requirement here. :)




The issue which you have quoted here is not a bug. This is an implementation snag and can be recovered from easily. Please allow me to elaborate on this.




The Pie chart involves a lot of methods/strategies to safe-guard and provide a good end-visual output. One of them being the 'best-fit' method.




In this issue, the problem is that of the Pie obtaining a smaller size when having a single-ton data set rather than the normal 'bigger' size when it has two or more data sets. This is done keeping in mind that the Pie chart, when provided with a single data set, does not involve the slicing function. Here, the Pie chart is provided with a default size, which is close to 40% of the smaller numeric of the width/height provided for the chart.




You may over come this issue using the 'pieRadius' attribute in the <chart> element of the XML.






The pieRadius attribute lets you explicitly set the outer radius of the chart. FusionCharts automatically calculates the best fit pie radius for the chart. This attribute is useful if you want to enforce one of your own values.




I hope this helps. Please revert on any further clarifications or on anything I could possibly assist you with.

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


You are most welcome.

Keep smiling and keep FusionCharting. :)

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