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Not able to see the charts in the deployed link.

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I am using fusionchartsv3.

I created chart in the visual studio 2008 and and deployed the link.

In the local application I am able to see the chart but in the deployed link not able to see the chart. Can anyone please help me. what could be the problem?



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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Could you please send us the screen-shot of the error that you are receiving as an attachment?

Awaiting your reply.

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I am not getting any error, that chart area is coming as white screen in the deployed link only.In the normal local application chart is displaying properly.

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Could you please re-check the root path for the swf file that you are using to render the chart?

Awwiting your reply.

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Here the problem is when Iam making my application as virtual directory then chart is not displaying.

suppose if my url is like "http://localhost/...." then chart is not coming.

If Iam running application locally without making virtual directory then chart is coming.

here my url will be http://localhost:2345/....

2345 is port number.

I kept the swf files in the FusionCharts folder within the application.

Data.xml is in the application directly.

do I need to chage the path if  making virtual directory?

Presently my code is like this:

<object id="obj3d" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"

width="2900" height="300" >

<param name="movie" value="../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf" />

<param name="FlashVars" value="&dataURL=Data.xml&chartWidth=900&chartHeight=300">

<param name="quality" value="high" />

<embed src="../FusionCharts/Column3D.swf" flashvars="&dataURL=Data.xml&chartWidth=900&chartHeight=300"

quality="high" width="2900" height="300" name="Column3D" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"

pluginspage="" />




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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Glad that your issue is resolved.

Keep smiling and keep FusionCharting. :unsure:

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