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Not able to see values and labels in firefox

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I am not able to see the values and labels for a column chart (StackedBar3D) in firefox...Its displaying properly in IE....Seems its something related to size problem..I have sent the xml along with this...Can any one help me out of this prob....




Thanks in Advance



xml for fusion.txt

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Nishi,

We have tested your XML codes in our lab and for both the browser pages(FF and IE browser page) it seems to have the same problem, i.e, the datalabels are getting cropped.

This issue is occuring as the number of the <set> elements provided to the chart is not getting enough space to get displayed properly.

Please try specifying the value of the charts's height to around 1000 pixels for a proper display of the datalabels and the datavalues.

I hope this helps. :(

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Thanx for ur reply....But i have Some more doubts in it.I hav given the height dynamically for these reports.And in this xml i hav given height as 3000 (statically )just for a sample.U told to give heoght as 1000 knw?...Still i m not getting all the labels...

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


We apologize for the inconvenience.

Could you please send us the screen-shot of the error that you are receiving as an attachment?

Awaiting your reply.

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