
2D SingleY Combination Charts saving problem

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Hi Fusion Charts Team,

Fusion Chart Team provided the following 3 dlls to save the chart image in serverside.




By using the above dlls and sample code base which was given by you is working fine for the following charts.

2D Line,2D Area,2D Column and 3D Column but we are not able to save the following charts.

2D SingleY COmbination and Column 3D + Single Line Y combination charts.

I am getting exeception message like


{"Could not find file 'Physicalpathfilename.jpg'.":"Physicalpathfilename.jpg.jpg"} Long

But we are providing the file name to the method which was given by you in sample code base.


objChart As New FusionCharts.ServerSideImageHandler(Current.Server.MapPath(strFlashFilePath), 500, 400, strXML, "", Current.Server.MapPath("physicalpath" & strFileName))

Dim objBytes As Byte()


objBytes = ConvertImageFiletoBytes(Current.Server.MapPath(

"physicalpath" & strFileName))

''System.IO.File.Delete(Current.Server.MapPath("physicalpath" & strFileName))

Please help me to save the 2D SingleY COmbination and Column 3D + Single Line Y combination charts.


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