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Gantt Chart Duration Problem

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Hello, my gantt chart's duration/timeline always starts at 00:00:00 to 05:00:00 although my data's duration is from 01:00:00 to 05:00:00 on the same day. ANyone have a suggestion on how to fix it?? Thanks.

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The chart is working properly now but i would like to know if the chart is able to repeat itself. An example is for 13/07/2010 a data in the chart has a period of 09:00:00 to 11:00:00. Is it able to repeat the period if i chose 15/07/2010? Provided a date period for it to repeat is set beforehand from 13/07/2010 to 16/07/2010??

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal





The charts in FusionCharts do not interpret data and then showcase it in the best possible way in an intelligent fashion.




It can only paint and visualize the data, as provided by the user and thus renders the chart.




As a result, I am afraid FusionCharts would not be able to support this.

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