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Display time series data as movie

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I have population time series data on a country basis that covers a 40 year period. I would like to shade each country based upon it's associated value and have a "play" button which a user can click to cause the map to automatically change the shading of the countries 40 times - one time for each year of data. The concept is like a video that shows the change in population over time.




Is this possible with FusionMaps?




Also, I assume it would be fairly easy to have a slider bar so that users could manually scroll through each year?









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Yes this is fairly possible using FusionMaps. But since one entity (say 1 country) can hold only 1 value at a time, you need to feed the changing data to the entity from external interface ussing an external button (say from flash or javascript) setting a interval (say 1/4 or 1/2 a second) for each change. That would simulate the video effect that you require.

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