Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Using only anchors in data series

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Could you please try setting the attribute "lineAlpha" to "1" in the <chart> element to make only the anchors visible?

Hope this helps. :)

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Should this lineAlpha be applied for the 'chart' tag? Well, I tried it but suddenly all series (it's 2D multi-series line chart) disappered, along with anchors. Anyway...I need something that could be applied just for one series of many...Is there a way?

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Could you please try setting the attribute "alpha" to "1" in the <dataset> element?

This would help you to hide the line plot of the particular series that you intend to.

Hope this helps. :)

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Actually that's what I was doing but I thought maybe there's a more elegant way, as setting "alpha" to 1 just make the line very very faded, but it's still there...


Its awkward...the charts are overall really good and well thought, still many times I feel like hacking them by tricks that should be actually part of basic configuration. For example, leaving only the anchors or putting images instead of them (customizing their look) is a standard functionality across many chart packages, but not in fusion charts. I just hope next release will cover most of users needs.




Thanks anyway,



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Hi Ola,

Could you please try setting the value of "alpha" to "0.1" instead of "1" and check if it still shows the faded data plot?

Your suggestions are important to us.

We have made a due note of the same.

Please feel free to revert back to us in case you have further queries on the same.

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I have the same problem. I use StackedColumn3DLineDY and I want to display the sum of all stacked above the highest data element. I tried to use the line, but lineThickness=0 failed. LineAlpha=0.1 was also not successful.


What should I try next?









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Hi Sven,

Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! :)

Could you please explain the issue a bit elaborately?

Also, please send us the screenshot(s) of the rendered chart and your requirement.

Awaiting your reply.

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Here is the chart I already have:




I want to hide the connections between data points on the line, so that only values and points are visible. The value is the sum of all stacked column values. If there is another possibility to show this sum value ABOVE the column, please tell me.





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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Please try setting the value of "alpha" attribute to '0.1' in the <dataset> element of your XML code.

Ref.- <dataset seriesName='2004' renderAs='Line' alpha='0.1'>

In case your issue still persists, please send us the XML codes that you are using.

Awaiting your reply.

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Thank you. My mistake was to use "LineAlpha=0.1" instead of "alpha=0.1" in the dataset params.


Now it works. I'm using PHP class. Sometimes syntax is a bit confusing in comparison to standard xml code.


But in fact, PHP class is very easy to use.





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Guest Basundhara Ghosal



We are glad that your issue is resolved.

Keep smiling and keep FusionCharting.

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


In case you wish to display the datavalues, please set the value of the attribute "showvalues" in the <chart> element to '1'.

How can I control where the label of the data point is?

Please note, FusionCharts does not support the same natively.

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