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insert a break in the legend

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I am trying to insert a break in the seriesname of the legend with no success. All it does is put the break tag where a break should be. Below is the code i am using. any help would be greatly appreciated.

<dataset isHTML='1' seriesname='" & myRS("series") & " {BR} " & myRS("PageName") & "' color='" & seriesclr & "' alpha='100'> 

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Welcome to FusionCharts forum. :)

Please try using " " as aline-break.

Hope this helps.

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Could you please try " " instead of "/#10;"?

In case, it still does not work, please send us the XML that you are using to render the chart.

Awaiting your reply.

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still does not work. Below is the code i am using. Iam using classic ASP to builid the page and I believe the problem lies in the highlighted code. The highlighted code must be there in order for this to work.

This include generates the XML necessary to use the FusionChart component
dim seriescolor(2)
seriescolor(0) = "FF8040"
seriescolor(1) = "FF8040"

lpocolor = "000000"
nlicolor = "FFFF00"
licolor = "FF0000"
dim graphheader, graphfooter
Dim hasdata
hasdata = false
sub SetGraphHeader (showValues, caption, subcaption, xaxis, yaxis)
graphfooter = "</graph>"
dim strheader
set strheader = new Stringbuilder
strheader.append("<graph ")
strheader.append("xaxisname='" & xaxis & "' ")
strheader.append("yaxisname='" & yaxis & "' ")
strheader.append("hovercapbg='DEDEBE' ")
strheader.append("baseFontColor='ffffff' ")
strheader.append("borderColor = '000000' ")
strheader.append("hovercapborder='889E6D' ")
strheader.append("rotateNames='1' ")
strheader.append("animation='1' ")
'strheader.append("yAxisMaxValue='100' ")
strheader.append("showValues='" & showValues & "' ")
strheader.append("numvdivlines='10' ")
strheader.append("shadowAlpha='40' ")
strheader.append("labelStep='1' ")
strheader.append("divLineColor='a8875e' ")
strheader.append("divLineAlpha='60' ")
strheader.append("divLineColor='a8875e' ")
strheader.append("divLineIsDashed='1' ")
strheader.append("decimalPrecision='0' ")
strheader.append("showAlternateHGridColor='0' ")
strheader.append("AlternateHGridAlpha='100' ")
strheader.append("AlternateHGridColor='a8875e' ")
strheader.append("canvasbgColor='000000' ") 
strheader.append("canvasborderColor='a8875e' ")
strheader.append("canvasborderAlpha='80' ")
strheader.append("caption='" & caption & "' ")
strheader.append("bgColor='0000000,000000' ")
strheader.append("bgAngle='270' ")
strheader.append("bgAlpha='10,10' ")
strheader.append("legendBgColor= '000000' ")
strheader.append("slantLabels= '1' ")
strheader.append("subcaption='" & subcaption & "' ")
graphheader = strheader.ToString()
end sub
function RS2XML (myRS)
dim strcategories, strseries
dim buildcategory, firstcategory, currentseries, seriescount, buildstring, seriesclr
buildcategory = true
buildstring = ""
firstcategory = ""
currentseries = ""
seriescount = 0 
set strcategories = new StringBuilder
set strseries = new StringBuilder
strcategories.append("<categories font='Arial' fontSize='11' fontColor='ffffff'>")
while not (myRS.EOF)
if buildcategory = true then 
if firstcategory = myRS("category") then 
buildcategory = false
if firstcategory = "" then firstcategory = myRS("category")
strcategories.append(vbTab & "<category name='" & myRS("category") & "' hoverText='" & myRS("category") & "' />")
end if
end if
if currentseries <> myRS("series") then
if currentseries <> "" then
end if
seriescount = seriescount + 1
currentseries = myRS("series")
select case lcase(currentseries)
case "lpo" 
seriesclr = lpocolor
case "nli"
seriesclr = nlicolor
case "li"
seriesclr = licolor
case else
seriesclr = seriescolor(seriescount mod 15) 
end select
strseries.append("<dataset isHTML='1' seriesname='" & myRS("PageName") & " for " & myRS("startDate") & "  " & myRS("endDate") & "' color='" & seriesclr & "' alpha='100'>")
end if
if not (hasdata) then
if cdbl(myRS("value")) <> cdbl("0") then
hasdata = true
end if
end if
strseries.append(vbTab & "<set value='" & (cdbl(myRS("value"))) & "' />")
buildstring = graphheader + strcategories.ToString() + strseries.ToString() + graphfooter
rs2xml = replace(buildstring, "&", "/")
end function
sub SetGraphHeaderBarChart (showValues, caption, subcaption, xaxis, yaxis)
graphfooter = "</chart>"
dim strheader
set strheader = new Stringbuilder
strheader.append("<chart ")
strheader.append("xaxisname='" & xaxis & "' ")
strheader.append("yaxisname='" & yaxis & "' ")
strheader.append("alternateVGridColor='AFD8F8' ")
strheader.append("baseFontColor='114B78' ")
strheader.append("toolTipBorderColor='114B78' ")
strheader.append("toolTipBgColor='E7EFF6' ")
strheader.append("plotBorderDashed='1' ")
strheader.append("plotBorderDashLen='2' ")
strheader.append("plotBorderDashGap='2' ")
strheader.append("useRoundEdges='1' ")
strheader.append("showBorder='1' ")
strheader.append("caption='" & caption & "' ")
strheader.append("bgColor='000000,000000' ")
strheader.append("bgAngle='270' ")
strheader.append("bgAlpha='10,10' ")
strheader.append("subcaption='" & subcaption & "' ")
graphheader = strheader.ToString()
end sub

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Please try using "%26#10;" as a line-break.

Please note, here we have encoded '&' as '%26'.

Hope this helps.

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We are very excited to announce the release of FusionCharts v3.2 that leverages Flash and JavaScript (HTML5) to create stunning charts. It introduces the new zoom charts, Pareto & Marimekko charts and works with both XML and JSON data.


You will be pleased to know that FusionCharts v3.2 comes with the addition of Interactive Legend feature. More details at:


It now works on iPads and iPhones as well. Please visit to find out what's new.


Furthermore, with this release, we have changed our licensing policies and pricing for our core products - FusionCharts, FusionWidgets, FusionMaps & PowerCharts.


Please share your valuable feedback at: [email protected]


Thank you and have a good day. :)

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