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Unable to generate Multiseries Fusion Charts except MSColumn3D

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I am not able to generate the multiseries Fusion Charts except for MSColumn3D though I use the same notation as specified in the document of




For eg: I was using the Typename as "MSBar2D" for the Multi-Series Bar 2D Chart, "MSArea2D" for Multi-Series Area 2D Chart


but couldn't work.




Anyone's help is appreciated.





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Guest Basundhara Ghosal


Welcome to FusionCharts forum. ;)

Please try using the specific .swf file from the FusionCharts pack to render the chart of your requirement.

I hope this helps. :)

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Hi Basundhara,




I tried by taking the name from the list of the fusioncharts package but not working.


This way also the graph is being generated only for the 'MSColumn3D' but not other types.

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I tried by taking the name from the list of the fusioncharts package but not working.

This way also the graph is being generated only for the 'MSColumn3D' but not other types.

This issue is occuring because you need to use the specific .swf file that actually renders the chart you intend to display.

For example, you are currently using MSColumn3D.swf file to render Multi-series Column3D chart.


Now, if you wish to render a Multi-series Bar2D chart, you can keep the .js file, XML and HTML file unchanged (just need to change the path and the respective file names in the HTML page).


But you ned to entirely copy the MSBar2D.swf file from the Download Package >> Charts folder. Only changing the name of the SWF file would not help.

Hope I am able to make this issue clear.

Please feel free to revert in case you have any queries on the same.

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Hi Sanjukta,


I downloaded all the .swf files from the charts folder of download package into a folder called 'FusionCharts' and using the same folder by just changing the name of the .swf file as all the charts are in the same folder.




But thats not working. Graphs are not displayed except for MSColumn3D.

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Hi Sanjuktha,


I am attaching my two files:


1- Related MSColumn3D chart - which is working fine


2- Related to MSArea chart - which is not working




I copied all the .swf files into the folder FusionCharts folder.




Just changed the name of the .swf file leaving other files unchanged.




Also let me tell you that I am using the TrialVersion not the PAID version.

Code of the Area3D Chart - Not working.txt

Code of multiseries Column3D chart - working fine.txt

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Guest Rajroop

Hey Kabba,




You can only refer to a chart SWF file with it's exact name itself, not otherwise. The name of the file, say Area2D.swf, can only be referred to by 'Area2D.swf'. If this is not honored then you would definitely face these discrepancies.




Thereby, please make sure that you are referring the exact SWF with the exact same name in the HTML as that in the root folder, whether you do, in fact, change the name or not.




I hope I have been able to be clear in my response.




Looking forward to updates from your end.

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Hi Basundhara,




Thanks for the samples sent for MSColumn3D and MSArea2D.


Can you please provide me the samples for MSLine and MSBar charts also?




I have one more doubt here:


Will the multi series support Pie and Dough charts also i.e., is there anything as MS Pie and MS Dough?

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The samples that were sent you contains a Multi-Series Bar2D and Multi-Series Area2D chart.

Please check with the Multi-Series Column2D and Multi-Series Line2D charts attached with the post.

Will the multi series support Pie and Dough charts also i.e., is there anything as MS Pie and MS Dough?

I am afraid, Pie/Doughnut charts are Single-Series charts. These cannot be made Multi Series charts.

For detailed information on Multi level Pie chart, please refer to the following link:


Hope this helps. ;)

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Hi Sanjukta,


Thank you very much for sending the samples.




Could you please send me the sample for "MSStackedColumn2D" chart also.




Thanking you in advance

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You are welcome. ;)

Please refer to the attachment to find the Multi-series Stacked Column2D chart sample.

You can easily make sample charts of your own by downloading our FusionCharts v3.1.1 Evaluation Pack with the help of the following link:


You can also refer to the ready samples provided in the pack and thereby create your own chart.

For more details on how to create the First Chart, please refer to the following link:


Hope this helps. :)

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