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Re:still the same problems of summing to 100% as i had given in my previous post below

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Hi Sanjuktha ,

In my earlier post we had this issue , and i thaught that it was solved but its still not solved evenafter making the YAxisiMaxValue = '100' and the sum of all my values is 100 still the max value is showing as 110 please help this bug was found in UAT .I showing you the image below


My xml goes like this


chart decimals='0' showPercentValues='1' XAxisValuesDecimals='0' XAxisAdjustDiv='0' adjustDiv='0' yAxisMaxValue='100' XAxisMinValue='0' slantLabels='1' animation='0' labelDisplay='Rotate' caption='Application Owner %25 OverAllStatus By SubLOB' startingAngle='60' outCnvBaseFontSize='11' formatNumberScale='0' chartRightMargin='40' bgColor='FFFFFF' bgAlpha='50' showBorder='0' borderThickness='1' borderAlpha='50' canvasbgColor='F2F2F2' canvasBorderColor='4A7EC5' canvasBorderThickness='1' canvasBorderAlpha='80' exportEnabled='1' exportHandler='Charts/FCExporter.aspx' exportAtClient='0' exportAction='download' showExportDataMenuItem='1' exportDataSeparator='%7Btab%7D' numDivLines='4' baseFontSize='8pt' baseFontColor='000000' isHTML='1' bold='0' baseFont='Frutiger 45 Light' xAxisName='SUBLOB' yAxisName='OverAllStatus %25' showAlternateVGridColor='0' showValues='0' numberSuffix='%25' divLineColor='969696' divLineThickness='1' borderColor='FFFFFF' debugMode='1'>




Category label='SIS ESM'/>




dataset seriesName='Assessment' color='499DF5'>


set value='97.31543624161073825503355705' color='499DF5'/>




dataset seriesName='Complete' color='3EA055'>


set value='0.6711409395973154362416107400' color='3EA055'/>




dataset seriesName='Packaging' color='DB70DB'>


set value='0.6711409395973154362416107400' color='DB70DB'/>




dataset seriesName='Remediation' color='FFE600'>


set value='0.6711409395973154362416107400' color='FFE600'/>




dataset seriesName='Testing' color='FAAC58'>


set value='0.6711409395973154362416107400' color='FAAC58'/>






line startValue='42000' color='91C328' displayValue='Target' showOnTop='1'/>








style name='myHTMLFont' type='font' isHTML='0' />


style name='myCaptionFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='13' color='000000' bold='1' />


style name='myAxisTitlesFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='11' bold='0' color='000000'/>


style name='myLabelsFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='11' color='000000' bold='0' />


style name='myValuesFont' type='font' font='Frutiger 45 Light' size='11' color='000000' bold='0'/>






apply toObject='Canvas' styles='CanvasAnim' />


apply toObject='LEGEND' styles='myHTMLFont' />


apply toObject='Canvas' styles='CanvasAnim' />


apply toObject='LEGEND' styles='myHTMLFont' />


apply toObject='Caption' styles='myCaptionFont' />


apply toObject='XAxisName' styles='myAxisTitlesFont' />


apply toObject='YAxisName' styles='myAxisTitlesFont' />


apply toObject='DataLabels' styles='myLabelsFont' />


apply toObject='YAXISVALUES' styles='myValuesFont' />


apply toObject='XAXISVALUES' styles='myValuesFont' />







note that my xml is dynamic and ever changing could you please give me a permanent solution.

The Xml changes depending on the parameters passed to it and its not just .


thanks in advance



Edited by Guest

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This error occurs due to the floating number issue. Our developers are fixing this issue in our next release.

As of now, could you please try setting the attribute "yAxisMaxValue" to "100.000001" in the <chart> element?

Hope this helps. :)

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