
column 3d with round columns?

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I use StackedColumn3DLineDY.swf.


1)Is it possible to change the look of the columns, so that they are round?


2)Is it possible to show something like a summarized value of all stacked parts ABOVE to column?


3)Actually I'm using a data line with marks and with hidden line to display the values as desired in 2). But that's not so fine. Is it possible to "alpharize" the points too, so that only the values are visible on the chart?




Thank you,





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1)Is it possible to change the look of the columns, so that they are round?

I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support this feature, as of now. :)

2)Is it possible to show something like a summarized value of all stacked parts ABOVE to column?

Could you please try using the attribute "showSum='1'" in the <chart> element to achieve the same?

3)Actually I'm using a data line with marks and with hidden line to display the values as desired in 2). But that's not so fine. Is it possible to "alpharize" the points too, so that only the values are visible on the chart?

Could you please try setting the attribute "anchorAlpha" to "0" in the <dataset> elements?

Hope this helps. :)

Edited by Guest

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Thank you.


1) it's okay, just for cosmetics...


2)see below


3)in germany we say "2 flies with one flap". I don't need the hidden line anymore because the showSum works perfectly.





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