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Combination charts.

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I want to create a combination chart combining line chart and scattered chart.But I am not sure from where I can get the xsd and swf for the same.Can anyone please help.Its urgent.







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Hi Deepti,

Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! :)

I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the combining of Line chart and Scatter chart, natively, as of now. :)

But you can show Line plot on the Scatter chart, besides the scatter plots, connecting the Scatter plots in the way mentioned below.

Please try using the attribute "drawLine" in the <dataset> element where you wish to show the line plot, keping the other <dataset> elements normally.

You can also customize the color, thickness, etc. using the attributes "lineColor", "lineThickness" respectively.

Please refer to the link for below for further details:


Looking forward to your feedback on the same.

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Hi Sanjukta,




I have tried the drawline method and its working.But the problem is since it is just joining the plots in the order in which we are passing the values, it doesn't look like a proper line graph.For example if we have three points (2,6),(8,7),(5,3) in case of line graph the line will be from (2,6) to (5,3) and then to (8,7) wright? But in this case it will (2,6) to (8,7) and then to (5,3).That is in the order in which the values are passed.So it doesn't look like a proper line graph.Can we find any solution for this?







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Hi Deepti,

Could you please try keeping the data values, which you do not wish to display as the line, in another <dataset> element?

In case, this solution does not help, please send us the XML that you are using to render the chart.

Also, please send us the screenshot of your requirement.

Awaiting your reply.

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Hi Sanjukta,




PFA the xml and the chart generated.If you see the I am using a separate dataset for plots which needs to have drawline.


But in the second dataset ,for which drawline = 1, first plot is having x value 2.34 then some larger valules and at last 2.58.In case of line chart the line will be drawn from 2.34 to 2.58 and then to 3.89 which is the next higher value and so on.But here it is drawn from 2.34 to 3.89 and then at last comes back to 2.58,as you can see in the chart.I can handle this by passing the values in the increasing order of x values.But just wanted to know if there is a better way.











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Hi Deepti,

FusionCharts plots the data on the chart in the way it encounters it, ignoring the value strength.

Could you please shuffle the data values in the increasing order (as you suggested) to make it plot perfectly?

Hope this helps. :)

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Hi Sanjukta,




Yes,I can manage it by sorting the values in the increasing order and its looking fine.Thank you so much for your help and support.











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