Flex Report post Posted September 27, 2010 Hi, I am testing out Fusion Charts to see if we can use in our product. But I am having troubles. I downloaded Fusion Charts evaluation version for Flex, and added "FusionChartsFlex/Charts/FlashBuilder4_SWC/FusionCharts.swc" to Flex Build Path: (Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path tab -> Add SWC) And then I created a MXML Application and copied this code below from FusionCharts tutorial and ran it. But when I ran it, the chart is not displaying at all. I haven't got any clue why this is happening. I'd appreciate any help for this. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" xmlns:ns1="com.fusioncharts.components.*"> <ns1:FusionCharts x="10" y="10" FCChartType="Column3D"> <ns1:FCChartData FCData="{chartData}" FCParams="{chartParams}"/> </ns1:FusionCharts> <ns1:FusionCharts FCUseDefaultData="true"> </ns1:FusionCharts> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; //Create an ArrayCollection object as a data source for chart [bindable] private var chartData:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection([ { label:'Jan', value:'17400' }, { label:'Feb', value:'19800' }, { label:'Mar', value:'21800' }, { label:'Apr', value:'23000' }, { label:'May', value:'29000' }, { label:'Jun', value:'27600' } ]); //Create an ArrayCollection object as a data source for chart parameters [bindable] private var chartParams:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection([ { caption:'Half Yearly Sales Summary' }, { subcaption:'For the year 2008 - First Half' }, { xAxisName:'Month' }, { yAxisName:'Sales' }, { numberPrefix:'$' } ]); ]]> </mx:Script> </mx:Application> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flex Report post Posted September 27, 2010 I fixed this by coping FusionCharts and FusionWidgets folders into my Flex src folder. Apparently FusionCharts load their SWF files when compile MXML and dynamically add to the application. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Basundhara Ghosal Report post Posted September 28, 2010 Hi, We are glad that your issue is resolved. Keep smiling and keep FusionCharting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites