Aaron Weier

Chart And Map Object Lie Above Drop Down Menus

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Hi All -


I'm having trouble fixing a drop down menu that ends up behind the fusion chart and fusion map object.


i've seen this code but i can't get it to work properly. You see i'm not directly embedding an "swf" file i'm generating it dynamically in code behind.



<div class="video"><object width="315" height="276"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="315" height="276" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></div>



any help is greatly appreciated!!


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Guest Basundhara Ghosal

Hi Aaron,


Could you please send us the screen-shot of the error that you are receiving?


Awaiting your reply.

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Hi, thanks for quick reply.


I don't receive an error. The fusion objects (map and chart) sit on top of a flyout glossary panel with links to key glossary terms. So i'm looking for a fix where the fusion objects will sit behind that particular flyout when the user hovers on it. i've attached a ppt file that shows 4 images of the application.


the first two images show me using FusionCharts.js and the second two show me using FusionChartWMode.js. As you'll see FusionChartsWMode only works for one of the objects.


What i need is to get a map object and chart object (both using SetDataXML) to sit behind the flyout. One added issue. When using FusionChartsWMode.js a line chart does not get rendered properly (using SetDataURL call in javascript). This is also on the image. The linechart doesn't need a wmode option set because it will never cover the glossary flyout. but for whatever reason it just doesn't get rendered properly.


thanks for your immediate attention to this matter!!




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When you render the chart, set the allowtransparent parameter to true. Worked for me with no other changes. Make sure the z-indexes of the chart and dropdown are set appropriately also just in case.

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Guest Basundhara Ghosal



Thanks for sharing your views.


Happy FusionCharting. :)

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