
Pie Label Inside Slice

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I am having a bit of trouble getting my desired affect with Pie charts. I have a very large pie chart that has space to fit the labels inside each slice, so to maximise my chart area I would like my chart to do this and display labels inside the pie slices instead of outside the pie. Is there a way to do this?


Many thanks,


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I am afraid, FusionCharts does not support the display of the labels inside the pie slices, as of now. :)


In case you are using FusionCharts v3.2 or later version, please try using the attributes "manageLabelOverflow" and "useEllipsesWhenOverflow" to manage long labels from getting truncated or spread a lot.


Hope this helps. :)

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Has anything changed in the latest versions regarding labels inside slices? Is it possible to display labels inside slices in FC Version: 3.2.2(XT) ?


Thank you

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