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Doubt Zoomline Chart

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Hello, im using the ZoomLine and i need show the highest y value, the chart dont show the value, only when i zoom in it.


exist one parameter for show the highest y value?


Im tested yAxisMaxValue but nor worked...



Thx help.

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Could you please confirm if you are intending to display a particular value on the chart when it renders or just the maximum Y-axis value?


In ZoomLine chart, as there are numerous data points in most of the cases, so the chart automatically displays some, skipping a few labels.


1. In case the largest data-plot (which you intend to display) is getting hidden as that particular label is skipped in the 1st screen and is displayed at the n-th level of zooming. Natively, this cannot be controlled as this the typical functionality of the ZoomLine chart.


If displaying a certain label is important to you, as a work-around, please try setting the attributes "displayStartIndex" and "displayEndIndex" in the <chart> element with the index value of the label that contains the largest data-plot.


For instance, if the largest data-plot falls between the 6th and the 12th label, please try setting the "displayStartIndex='6' " and "displayEndIndex='12' ", which would display the data-plots in these labels on the 1st screen as the chart renders.


2. If you are just intending to display the maximum Y-axis value, no matter how small/large the data-values are, please try setting the "dynamicAxis" to '0' in the <chart> element.


I hope I am able to make myself clear.

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