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Highcharts - Error In Loading Data

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I am getting 'Error in Loading Data' while using highcharts. I am testing this in firefox with flashplayer disabled. ( I works fine with flash player)


I am setting the 'DataUrl' to an aspx page(GetFusionChartData.aspx). Below is the code snippet.


Display.aspx ( In this page we are capturing the parameters and pass it as query string to 'GetFusionChartData.aspx

StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder();


script.AppendFormat("\r\n\r\nvar chartctrl{0} = new FusionCharts('../../SWF/FusionCharts/{1}?ChartNoDataText=No data found&LoadDataErrorText=No data found&InvalidXMLText=No data found', 'chart{0}', '{2}', '{3}', '0', '1');", ReportItem.ID, GetChartSWF(), flashWidth,flashHeight);


script.AppendFormat("\r\nchartctrl{1}.setDataURL(escape('GetFusionChartData.aspx?RequireInitial={2}&ReportID={0}&ItemID={1}&' + escape(BuildFilterQueryString({1})) +'&ItemTitle='+ escape(GetReportItemTitle({1}))));", Report.ID, ReportItem.ID, this.RequiresInitialSelection);


script.AppendFormat("\r\nchartctrl{0}.render('chart{0}div');\r\n", ReportItem.ID);


writer.Write(script); //write it to be renderred in the client.



Below is GetFusionChartData.aspx

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="Reports.RenderingControl.FusionCharts.FusionChartRenderingPage" %>

<head runat="server"></head>



protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


//Get the parameters from the query string and connect to the database and get the data and generate the xml data and add it as inline chart xml







Please let me know if more info needed.

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