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Setting Plotfillalpha To "0" For Second Dataset In Msarea Chart Doesn't Work

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The first dataset should have a fill color and all other datasets should be transparent. How do I accomplish this?


I currently have 2 datasets. I can change the plotBorderColor and anchorBgColor on the second dataset and it changes the line/anchor color on the chart. However, when I set plotFillAlpha to "0" on the second dataset, it isn't transparent. I've also tried areaAlpha. Basically, as the colors overlap on the chart they blend together and it doesn't look great. I'd prefer to show the fill for the first dataset and only the lines for all other datasets.


Thanks in advance for any help.

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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! :)


Could you please send us the XML and the screenshot of your requirement?


Awaiting your reply.


Thanks for the assistance. Here is the XML and screenshot. Basically, I want the fill and line on the first dataset, but only the line on other datasets.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chart anchorAlpha="100" anchorBgColor="0077cc" anchorBorderColor="ffffff" anchorRadius="5" bgColor="ffffff" borderColor="ffffff" canvasBorderAlpha="0" canvasBorderColor="CAC5C1" canvasBorderThickness="0" caption="My Caption" divLineColor="E7E7E7" drawAnchors="1" labelDisplay="AUTO" lineColor="0077cc" paletteColors="0077CC,FF444F,00E36A,D630D1,FFCC00" plotBorderColor="0077cc" plotBorderThickness="4" plotFillAlpha="10" plotFillColor="0077cc" plotGradientColor="" showAlternateHGridColor="0" showDivLineValue="1" showLimits="1" showShadow="0" showValues="0" slantLabels="0" subcaption="(updated twice daily)" xAxisName="" yAxisName="" zeroPlaneColor="666666" zeroPlaneThickness="1">
   <dataset seriesName="Test Series">
       <set value="0.0"/>
       <set value="1132.0"/>
       <set value="992.0"/>
       <set value="668.0"/>
       <set value="846.0"/>
       <set value="620.0"/>
       <set value="954.0"/>
       <set value="1047.0"/>
       <set value="891.0"/>
       <set value="768.0"/>
   <dataset anchorBgColor="f8f892" areaAlpha="0" plotBorderColor="f8f892" plotFillAlpha="0" plotFillColor="" seriesName="Sale Tracker">
       <set value="0.0"/>
       <set value="611.0"/>
       <set value="755.0"/>
       <set value="537.0"/>
       <set value="823.0"/>
       <set value="937.0"/>
       <set value="926.0"/>
       <set value="1183.0"/>
       <set value="823.0"/>
       <set value="1147.0"/>
       <vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
       <category label="Nov 28"/>
       <vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
       <category label="Dec 1"/>
       <vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
       <category label="Dec 4"/>
       <vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
       <category label="Dec 7"/>
       <vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
       <category label="Dec 10"/>

post-10532-039791500 1292266512_thumb.png

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Guest Rajroop



Could you add alpha="1" to the <dataset> element of the line, of which you'd want to display only the line plot, and see if it helps?



<dataset anchorBgColor="f8f892" areaAlpha="0" alpha="1" plotBorderColor="f8f892" plotFillAlpha="0" seriesName="Sale Tracker">



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Could you add alpha="1" to the <dataset> element of the line, of which you'd want to display only the line plot, and see if it helps?



<dataset anchorBgColor="f8f892" areaAlpha="0" alpha="1" plotBorderColor="f8f892" plotFillAlpha="0" seriesName="Sale Tracker">





Thanks Rajroop.


This did work, but there are a couple of issues with it: one minor, one major.


1. The legend color doesn't match my plotFillColor

2. (Minor issue) - It's not 100% transparent


I've attached the screenshot and XML again.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><chart anchorAlpha="100" anchorBgColor="0077cc" anchorBorderColor="ffffff" anchorRadius="5" bgColor="ffffff" borderColor="ffffff" canvasBorderAlpha="0" canvasBorderColor="CAC5C1" canvasBorderThickness="0" caption="My Caption" divLineColor="E7E7E7" drawAnchors="1" labelDisplay="AUTO" lineColor="0077cc" paletteColors="0077CC,FF444F,00E36A,D630D1,FFCC00" plotBorderColor="0077cc" plotBorderThickness="4" plotFillAlpha="10" plotFillColor="0077cc" plotGradientColor="" showAlternateHGridColor="0" showDivLineValue="1" showLimits="1" showShadow="0" showValues="0" slantLabels="0" subcaption="(updated twice daily)" xAxisName="" yAxisName="" zeroPlaneColor="666666" zeroPlaneThickness="1">  
<dataset seriesName="Dataset 1">
<set value="774.0"/> 
<set value="773.0"/>
<set value="1000.0"/>
<set value="746.0"/>
<set value="804.0"/>
<set value="812.0"/>
<set value="841.0"/>
<set value="1081.0"/>
<set value="720.0"/>
<set value="547.0"/>
<set value="756.0"/>
<set value="733.0"/>
<set value="932.0"/>
<set value="716.0"/>
<dataset alpha="1" anchorBgColor="f8f892" areaAlpha="0" plotBorderColor="f8f892" plotFillAlpha="0" plotFillColor="f8f892" seriesName="Dataset 2">
<set value="0.0"/>
<set value="1497.0"/>
<set value="800.0"/>
<set value="1400.0"/>
<set value="702.0"/>
<set value="782.0"/>
<set value="1481.0"/>
<set value="1131.0"/>
<set value="537.0"/>
<set value="786.0"/>
<set value="1232.0"/>
<set value="1407.0"/>
<set value="898.0"/>
<set value="1199.0"/>
<set value="1415.0"/>
<vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
<category label="Nov 14"/>
<vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
<category label="Nov 17"/>
<vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
<category label="Nov 20"/>
<vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
<category label="Nov 23"/>
<vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
<category label="Nov 26"/>
<vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
<category label="Nov 29"/>
<vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
<category label="Dec 2"/>
<vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
<category label="Dec 5"/>
<vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
<category label="Dec 8"/>
<vLine color="eeeeee" linePosition="1"/>
<category label="Dec 11"/>

post-10532-098415300 1292351214_thumb.gif

Edited by cj12

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