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Pie Chart

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Hello all,


I'm newbie to Fusionchart. Right now I'm using Fusionchart V2.


I don't have a problem in using stacked chart with the below dataset.


I don't know how to use this dataset using Pie chart. Please give a code help.




agebtw Male Female

10-19 683 1205

20-29 11209 18207

30-39 10792 11189

40-49 4058 4503

50-59 739 714

60-69 123 78

70-79 21 23




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Hi Swam,


Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! :)


I am afraid, Pie chart is a Single-series chart that does not support multiple <dataset> elements, as of now.


Please try using any Multi-series chart for the same.


Hope this helps. :)

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