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Line Chart Formatting

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Love the product, fully.


My issue:


I've got a multiseries chart (MSColumn3DLineDY) that I've got working perfectly. The column(s) represent volume and the line represents a percentage.


I'd like to format the datapoint on the line if the value dips below 95(%). I've tried <set value = '94.8' color='FF0000'> but that just changes the color of the LINE rather than the actual POINT itself. In the dataset "directive" I've got <dataset seriesName='% in Standard' parentYAxis='S' color='CC3300'>. This changes all the datapoints to a burnt-orange color; but I'd like to change the individual points to that color ONLY if the value represented is <95.


Please let me know if this is possible.




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Guest Angie



Thanks for your appreciation.


We are glad to know that your issue has been resolved.


Keep FusionCharting!biggrin.gif

Edited by Angie

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