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Scatter Chart - Positioning Of Xaxis And Yaxis Start And End Value

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Hi All,


Attached are two graphs.

Graph1 is a result when i set the xAxisMinValue and xAxisMaxValue.

Graph2 is a result when i dont set the xAxisMinValue and xAxisMaxValue.


I like the way how it is displayed in graph1 but i dont like the way the values are plotted on the y-axis and also at the end of the graph.

Is there a way to increase the space? But if you see graph2 the space is really too much and all values are centered for some reason.

Will i be able to specify where the xaxis min value should start from?

Also can i specify for y axis as well, as some of the values are plotted on the xaxis?


For some reason I am unable to attach the source file.

Below is the source file:


<div id='productSales4Div' >
<script type="text/javascript">
var chart_productSales4 = new FusionCharts({"debugMode" : "0", "swfUrl" : "FusionCharts/Charts/Scatter.swf", "renderAt" : "productSales4Div", "width" : "600", "wMode" : "opaque", "dataFormat" : "xml", "id" : "productSales4", "registerWithJS" : "1", "height" : "300","dataSource" : "<chart caption='Dot Area Chart' xAxisMinValue='3923' xAxisMaxValue = '3934' yAxisValueDecimals='0' forceYAxisValueDecimals='0' yAxisMinValue='60' yAxisMaxValue='94' numDivLines = '6' forceDecimals='0' decimals='0' showLegend='1' adjustDiv='0' labelDisplay='Rotate'><categories verticalLineColor='666666' verticalLineThickness='1'><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3923' x='3923' /><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3924' x='3924' /><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3925' x='3925' /><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3926' x='3926' /><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3927' x='3927' /><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3928' x='3928' /><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3929' x='3929' /><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3930' x='3930' /><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3931' x='3931' /><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3932' x='3932' /><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3933' x='3933' /><category showVerticalLine='1' label='3934' x='3934' /></categories><dataset seriesName='C Target (72)' color='2554C7' anchorSides='20' anchorRadius='6' anchorBgColor='2554C7' anchorBorderColor='2554C7'><set y='80.7' x='3923'/><set y='81.5' x='3924'/><set y='78.7' x='3925'/><set y='78.3' x='3926'/><set y='75.0' x='3927'/><set y='74.7' x='3928'/><set y='73.3' x='3929'/><set y='74.6' x='3930'/><set y='75.6' x='3931'/><set y='77.8' x='3932'/><set y='74.2' x='3933'/><set y='73.7' x='3934'/></dataset><trendlines><line valueonRight='1' startValue='68' lineThickness='2' color='FFFF00' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='72' lineThickness='2' color='F433FF' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='72' lineThickness='2' color='2554C7' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='74' lineThickness='2' color='000000' displayValue=' '  /></trendlines><dataset seriesName='M Target (72)' color='F433FF' anchorSides='20' anchorRadius='6' anchorBgColor='F433FF' anchorBorderColor='F433FF'><set y='79.8' x='3923'/><set y='78.8' x='3924'/><set y='80.8' x='3925'/><set y='77.9' x='3926'/><set y='71.2' x='3927'/><set y='67.8' x='3928'/><set y='71.4' x='3929'/><set y='73.1' x='3930'/><set y='72.7' x='3931'/><set y='72.4' x='3932'/><set y='71.9' x='3933'/><set y='72.5' x='3934'/></dataset><trendlines><line valueonRight='1' startValue='68' lineThickness='2' color='FFFF00' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='72' lineThickness='2' color='F433FF' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='72' lineThickness='2' color='2554C7' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='74' lineThickness='2' color='000000' displayValue=' '  /></trendlines><dataset seriesName='K Target (74)' color='000000' anchorSides='20' anchorRadius='6' anchorBgColor='000000' anchorBorderColor='000000'><set y='77.7' x='3923'/><set y='76.5' x='3924'/><set y='77.7' x='3925'/><set y='77.6' x='3926'/><set y='60.0' x='3927'/><set y='60.6' x='3928'/><set y='70.3' x='3929'/><set y='67.5' x='3930'/><set y='70.3' x='3931'/><set y='81.7' x='3932'/><set y='79.4' x='3933'/><set y='81.8' x='3934'/></dataset><trendlines><line valueonRight='1' startValue='68' lineThickness='2' color='FFFF00' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='72' lineThickness='2' color='F433FF' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='72' lineThickness='2' color='2554C7' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='74' lineThickness='2' color='000000' displayValue=' '  /></trendlines><dataset seriesName='Y Target (68)' color='FFFF00' anchorSides='20' anchorRadius='6' anchorBgColor='FFFF00' anchorBorderColor='FFFF00'><set y='80.2' x='3923'/><set y='81.6' x='3924'/><set y='86.8' x='3925'/><set y='86.5' x='3926'/><set y='69.7' x='3927'/><set y='70.2' x='3928'/><set y='68.2' x='3929'/><set y='70.4' x='3930'/><set y='69.8' x='3931'/><set y='67.4' x='3932'/><set y='68.0' x='3933'/><set y='69.7' x='3934'/></dataset><trendlines><line valueonRight='1' startValue='68' lineThickness='2' color='FFFF00' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='72' lineThickness='2' color='F433FF' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='72' lineThickness='2' color='2554C7' displayValue=' '  /><line valueonRight='1' startValue='74' lineThickness='2' color='000000' displayValue=' '  /></trendlines></chart>"}).render();</script>

Any help is greatly appreciated.






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