
Labels Disappear With Settransparent And Large Dataset

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With a large number of items in a chart where setTransparent() is called the labels will disappear. It seems to occur at a random point. In this case around label 180. I've attached a very simple test case.


Interestingly if you remove the call to setTransparent and scroll to the bottom of the page you'll notice another bug. The last dozen or so items have a black background rather than the vertical gray and white stripes.


Testing was done with Firefox 3.6.8, Fusion Charts 3.? and Flash v.


I'm primarily interested in work-arounds for the first issue.




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Welcome to FusionCharts Forum! :)


Please note that in Flash Flash Player 10, the maximum size for a chart is 8,192 pixels in width or height, and the total number of pixels cannot exceed 16,777,216 pixels. (i.e., if a chart is 8,192 pixels wide, it can only be 2,048 pixels high.). Note that in Flash Player 9 and earlier versions, the limitation is 2,880 pixels in height and 2,880 pixels in width.


Also, please make sure that you are not providing more than 1000 dataplots in a Bar chart. This is the maximum amount supported by Flash player and FusionCharts that varies according to the machine configuration and usage of various features like Styles, Animation, Anchors, etc.


Hope this helps. :)

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Thanks for the information. That does explain the black background at the bottom of the chart when setTransparent is not called. However, it does not explain why the labels are missing when setTransparent is used. I've revised my example, attached, to use a shorter chart (8000px tall, 575px wide) and reduced the number of datapoints slightly so they all fit (487 total). The problem with the missing labels still persists.


In playing around with things a bit more it doesn't seem to be the number of datapoints so much as the distance from the top of the chart. The labels always seem to cut off at some fixed height. Is there a limitation of flash that might explain that issue?





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