vanna Report post Posted January 31, 2011 hello, im using radar chart v3 for sharepoint 2010, but im custom building them through XML in a webpart. can you please give an example on how i can make a radar chart which can plot list values, using XML inside a web part? ive tried making one but its not working, im confused with how can i plot values with relevant fields which are linked to relevant AXIS in my chart, ive seen radar chart help but its too basic as i dont want hardcoded values in my chart, the below code works and it makes a radar chart but i dont want the labels to be hard coded, the values plotted by the chart are also not correct, so basically "Title" and "Value" are connected to each other and i want to have a value which points to its title. thanks script type="text/javascript"> var value=0; var Title =""; var found=false; var x=0; var i=0; var myData=new Array(); var strXML = "<chart caption='Demo Chart' bgcolor='FFFFFF' anchoralpha='0' basefontcolor='3E3E3F' bordercolor='6FACD1' captionpadding='20' radarFillColor='FFFFFF'>"; strXML==strXML + "<categories>"; strXML=strXML + "<category label='Security'/>"; strXML=strXML + "<category label='Utilized'/>"; strXML=strXML + "<category label='Reliability'/>"; strXML=strXML + "<category label='Complexity'/>"; strXML=strXML + "<category label='Dependancy'/>"; strXML=strXML + "<category label='Maturity'/>"; strXML=strXML + "<category label='Criticality'/>"; strXML=strXML + "<category label='Compliance'/>"; strXML=strXML + "</categories>"; value="<%Value%>"; Title="<%Title%>"; if(!found) { myData=new Array(); myData[0]=value; myData[1]=Title; i++; } found=false; strXML=strXML + "<dataset seriesName='Value' color='68D740' >"; for(x in myData) { strXML=strXML + "<set value="+myData[x][1]/>"; strXML=strXML + "<set value = "+myData[x][0]/>"; } strXML=strXML + "</dataset>"; strXML=strXML + "</chart>"; </script> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites