
Swf Always Requests Data.xml

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I have found that the swf is always calling my server for Data.xml even though I set my jsonUrl. This is wasteful of server bandwidth, CPU and also causes a log line to be written as below. Is this a known issue? Can you guys look into fixing it in the next release.


16:36:56,939 INFO  [sTDOUT] 5177975 [http-] WARN  org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound  - No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/mvc/reports/Data.xml] in DispatcherServlet with name 'portal'

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I've also encountered this issue and its causing us issues now too. Steps to reproduce:


1). Use the jsonurl in your chart.. our code looks like this:


var myDoughnutChart = FusionCharts.render("Doughnut3D.swf", "MyChart", "100%", "400", "MyChartDiv", "/GetJson", "jsonurl");


2). Return a valid json result.

3). The chart displays correctly.

4). It appears the chart will then request Data.xml (which is unexpected/wanted behavior).


Any advice on how to solve this issue would be greatly received.

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As a followup to this, if you don't use compact rendering the problem doesn't occur.


So this behaves correctly:


var myDoughnutChart = new FusionCharts("Doughnut3D.swf", "MyChart", "100%", "400", "0", "1");

myDoughnutChart .setJSONUrl("/GetJson");

myDoughnutChart .render("MyChartDiv");


This does not:


var myDoughnutChart = FusionCharts.render("Doughnut3D.swf", "MyChart", "100%", "400", "MyChartDiv", "/GetJson", "jsonurl");

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Guest Angie



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum!smile.gif


According to FusionCharts architecture, it always accepts data in XML format by default.


If you provide data to the chart in JSON format, it will convert the data in XML format.


Please check the same by enabling the Debug Mode.


Hope this helps.smile.gif

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