
Simple And Plain Looking Stacked Chart.

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I am looking to create a single stacked bar for a page on my site. The data will represent past-to-current and future events. For example. A person has had events in the past (Jun 01, 2010 thru today Feb 07, 2011) and has upcoming events (Feb 08, 2011 to Jun 01, 2011)


I want a simple two color stacked bar, shown horizontally (100% stacked) to represent the events. Say in the past 20 events and in the future 10 events.


Here is an illustration of how I want it to look. No canvas, no line, no background. I will handle formatting and look and feel to incorporate it on my page. Labels will be x-axis and two headings. I can do asp net labels and position them if needed, if the chart will not render them the way I want.



Any advice? Please see wireframe below for what I mean.




post-12041-009044800 1297106545_thumb.gif

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Thank you.


I played around with this same method and came up with this. I still need to add a key which will contain the values and labels, but I think I will accomplish this with an asp label.


Thanks again.



<chart pallete='2' showValues='0' showLabels='0' stack100Percent='0' canvasbgColor='FFFFFF' showBorder='0'

bgColor='FFFFFF' showLegend='0' canvasBorderColor='ffffff' showYAxisValues='0' divLineColor='FFFFFF' showAlternateVGridColor='0' plotGradientColor=''>


<category />


<dataset color='806696'>

<set value='40'/>


<dataset color='80b1d6'>

<set value='28'/>



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Guest Angie



Welcome to FusionCharts Forum and thanks for your appreciation!smile.gif


Keep FusionCharting !biggrin.gif

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