
Stack100Percent Not Working On Stacked Bar Chart

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I thought maybe some of my attributes were not letting the 100Percent chart render correclty. But I used the sample bar graph code and it also does not render correct. It renders as a normal bar chart.. not filling every set all the way across.


Maybe something with the flash file? Can someone try this code and see if it renders as a 100Percent stacked chart?


This is the link to the sample I am trying to duplicate. Chart second row, first chart.




Here is my execution code.. just like in the sample but pointing to the flash file in my folder


<script type="text/javascript">

var chart1 = new FusionCharts("FusionCharts/StackedBar2D.swf", "sampleChart", "550", "350", "0", "1");





The XML I am using is the same in the sample.


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I sent a contact form thru the Fusion Site. I found that I downloaded the trial version of StackedBar2D.swf and it worked with 100% stacked. Of course has the evaluation tag on it.


So my SWF is corrupt or not the newest version. I hope they can send me the correct swf.


Anyone else have this issue?



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Please drop us a mail quoting this forum thread at http://www.fusioncharts.com/contact/


Also, please try upgrading your current version to the latest one, i,e, FusionCharts v3.2.1 using the following link.



Hope this helps. :)


This thread has been quoted via the contact form.


I also tried the upgrade link, but the emails that would be associated with the purchased are not being recognized by your system. I do have our PO that was sent to us when we purchased in April of 2010.


Thanks.. any additional help would be appreciated.

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Guest Angie



Thanks for the updates.


Could you please continue interacting with the mail thread you started using the contact form, regarding your FusionCharts sales queries here?


We do not recommend sharing sales related details or having discussions of the same nature on this forum.


You could also directly drop us a mail, quoting this forum thread, at [email protected], so that one of our sales representatives could get back to you on your query here.


I hope this helps.

Edited by Angie

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Hi Have Problem with stack100Percent ,


In IE and Crome Chart not coming while using stack100Percent in Javascript renderer but working in Flash renderer.

In Mozilla Chart not working while using stack100Percent  in both renderer 

Help me please....

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We have tried using stacked charts with attribute "stack100Percent" and checked it in browsers IE,Chrome and Firefox. It seems that it works fine at our end.


Could you send us a sample demo which projects the issue?


Also, please check if you are using the latest version of FusionCharts V3.3.1. If not, you may upgrade to the latest version from http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/trials/ and test it again.


Awaiting your response.

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Hi ,

Thanks for ur reply

My sample code is here  i have used the version FusionCharts_XT_EnterpriseEx v3.3


<script type="text/javascript" src="../javascript/FusionCharts/FusionCharts.js"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function getChart(resp){
var cdata = {
"caption" : "Long Short Ratio" ,
var chartJsonData = {"chart":cdata,"categories":resp.categories,"dataset":resp.dataset };
var chartref = FusionCharts('forexChart');
if(typeof chartref != 'undefined'){
var myChart = new FusionCharts( "../javascript/FusionCharts/StackedBar3D.swf", "forexChart", "99%", "100%", "0"); 
<div id="chartContainer" style="float:left;width:45.5% !important;margin:0px;margin-left:0px"></div> 
var resp = {"dataset":[{"data":[{"value":""},{"value":""},{"value":""},{"value":""},{"value":""}],"seriesname":"Buy Percent"},{"data":[{"value":""},{"value":""},{"value":""},{"value":""},{"value":"100"}],"seriesname":"Sell Percent"}],"categories":[{"category":[{"label":""},{"label":""},{"label":""},{"label":""},{"label":"AUDUSD"}]}]};
this sample working IE and Crome not working in Mozilla
Help me to close this issue......
Thanks a lot........
Edited by srajeshacm

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The code you have attached works fine in Flash mode in the browsers IE,Chrome and Firefox as well. Please find the attached screenshot of the StackedBar3D chart taken from Firefox.
We are looking into the issue with JavaScript mode of the StackedBar3D chart and will update you soon about it.


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Thanks for ur response. Yes the aboue code working in Firefox 19 and aboue only.

he same code not working in safari and opera browsers.

can u please look at this also....

Its very urgent ......

help me to close those issues also.....

Edited by srajeshacm

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Apologies for the inconvenience caused.


The issue that you have mentioned has been classified as a bug. We are working on it and will update you soon about it.



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